Well, we finally made it. Now the
financial services industry faces the challenge of how best to
take advantage of the new opportunities provided by the financial
modernization law, and their regulators face the challenge of
implementing the framework for regulating and supervising the more
diversified financial holding companies allowed under the new
The market, of course, will
determine how much integration occurs and whether individual firms
profit from the new opportunities. Consumers, we believe, will
benefit from any increased synergies within financial institutions
and the increased competition across the financial services
industry. Our challenge as regulators is to ensure the smooth
operation of the regulatory and supervisory framework established
by the legislation. That framework is a blend of umbrella
supervision of the consolidated entity by the Federal Reserve,
oversight of the depository institutions by their primary bank
regulators, and functional regulation of some nonbank entities by
their respective specialized regulators. The wider spectrum of
activities authorized by the act puts a premium on the
coordination among the primary bank supervisors, the functional
regulators of broker-dealers and insurance affiliates, and the
Federal Reserve as umbrella supervisor.
I want to begin by outlining the
key features of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and then speculating on
how the financial services industry may evolve over the next
several years in response to this legislation. That sets up the
discussion of how regulators and supervisors will adapt to the
revised supervisory framework established by the legislation and
the resulting change in the structure of the financial services
Specifically, I believe that
regulators will need to walk a fine line. They will need to pay
even more attention to the systemic risks posed by large, complex,
and diversified financial services companies. But they will also
have to avoid imposing an excessive or duplicative regulatory
burden and avoid creating a false impression that the benefits of
the federal safety net extend to nonbank activities.
These challenges will require a
new relationship between the Federal Reserve and the functional
regulators of banks' insurance and securities affiliates. And they
will place a premium on cooperation and appropriate information
sharing between the primary bank regulator and the Federal Reserve
as umbrella supervisor, while, at the same time, we work together
to minimize duplication and avoid excessive burden.
The Basics of the
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act has six key components:
1. It removes remaining
statutory limitations on the financial activities allowable in
banking organizations for qualified bank holding companies.
2. It establishes restrictions
on the locations of the new or expanded nonbank financial
activities within the banking organization.
Securities and insurance agency
activities can be conducted in subsidiaries of the bank, subject
to several limitations and protections. Municipal securities
underwriting activities can be conducted directly in a national
bank or in a subsidiary or affiliate of the bank. Specifically,
the size of the securities broker-dealer subsidiaries of banks is
limited. A national bank must be well managed and well capitalized
and must deduct its equity investment in its financial
subsidiaries in determining whether it meets regulatory capital
requirements. And banks must meet or exceed credit-rating
thresholds before establishing such subsidiaries or expanding
their investment in them. Merchant banking and insurance
underwriting can be conducted only in a subsidiary of the holding
company. Securities activities and insurance agency business can
be conducted in the holding company as well as in the subsidiary
of the bank.
3. The new law to some degree
relaxes and in other cases strengthens existing limits on mixing
banking and commerce.
A financial holding company may
engage in any nonfinancial activity that the Federal Reserve Board
determines is complementary to a financial activity and poses no
substantial risk to the safety and soundness of depository
institutions or the financial system. Otherwise, the law prohibits
mixing banking and commerce in financial services holding
companies that include a bank. Unitary thrifts that already mix
banking and commerce may continue to do so. Existing unitary
thrifts retain their authority to acquire a commercial firm but
lose that authority if the thrift is sold. Newly chartered unitary
thrifts will no longer be able to combine banking and commerce.
4. The law blends functional
supervision of the component entities with umbrella supervision of
consolidated financial holding companies.
Specifically, it requires that
the Federal Reserve supervise the consolidated organization,
primary bank regulators regulate and supervise the banking
subsidiaries, and functional regulators supervise and regulate
selected nonbank components. The Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency continues to regulate and supervise national banks; the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and state banking
departments regulate state nonmember banks; the Federal Reserve
and state banking departments regulate state member banks, and the
Office of Thrift Supervision regulates thrifts. As before, so long
as an organization includes a bank, it is a bank holding company
under the supervision of the Fed. A financial holding company--an
organization that may engage in the newly authorized financial
activities--is also a bank holding company, but not all bank
holding companies can become financial holding companies.
Financial holding companies must meet statutory qualifications:
Each of its bank and thrift subsidiaries must be well managed and
well capitalized and have a rating of at least satisfactory under
the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). The new law, however,
requires that the umbrella supervisor--the Fed--rely principally
on the functional regulator--that is, the state insurance
authority and the Securities and Exchange Commission. Similarly,
the primary bank regulator would rely principally on the
functional regulator, the SEC, in the case of a broker-dealer
operating subsidiary.
5. The law enhances privacy
protections on disseminating information about customer accounts
to third parties.
6. Several provisions affect the
implementation of the CRA, including the requirement that a bank
holding company cannot become a financial holding company unless
all the company's insured depository institutions have a CRA
rating of satisfactory or better.
The Evolution of the
Financial Services Industry
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act will likely accelerate certain trends
already underway in the financial services industry, resulting in
further consolidation of the industry and a wider range of
financial activities within many banking organizations.
It is important to observe that
the consolidation movement among banking organizations would have
continued in the absence of financial modernization legislation.
The number of U.S. banking organizations today has fallen by a
quarter since 1990 and is roughly half the level of twenty years
ago, and this trend has been accelerating. The number of banking
organizations will probably decline significantly further over the
next decade. Other segments of the financial services industry
have also experienced consolidation. The financial modernization
law will likely bring an increase in mergers among firms
specializing in different financial services to take advantage of
the synergies and cost advantages perceived from such
combinations. The extent of this consolidation remains in
We would expect to see banking
organizations expand into securities and insurance activities, in
which they have long shown substantial interest. The Federal
Reserve accommodated some expansion by bank holding companies into
securities underwriting in 1996 when it liberalized Section 20
constraints. The OCC has taken a similarly accommodating position
with respect to insurance sales by national banks. Both actions
undoubtedly released much of the pressure that would have grown in
a less favorable regulatory climate.
Nevertheless, the act will
likely accelerate the existing trend to combine banking and
securities activities. Today, there are fifty-one active Section
20 security affiliates of bank holding companies, owned by
twenty-five domestic bank holding companies and nineteen foreign
banking organizations. Some of these securities firms will
probably become operating subsidiaries of commercial banks,
although at least a couple would have to restructure their assets
to meet the size limitations in the act. Others will probably
remain holding company affiliates. Beyond that, many other banks
and securities firms not currently related will likely link up in
some fashion now that they have a greater ability to do so.
Perhaps the biggest question is
the fate of the large investment banking firms that are too large
to qualify as subsidiaries of banks in financial holding
companies. Will these investment banks merge with existing
commercial banking organizations and become affiliates in a
financial holding company structure, will they remain independent,
will they acquire a bank as part of a financial holding company
that is dominated by its securities activities, or will they
create a small bank de novo? In any event, we can expect a variety
of approaches--large banks with large security operations, large
banks with more modest security activities, and large security
activities combined with probably smaller banks.
Other questions relate to
insurance, where many see the advantage of having banks marketing
insurance products, as banks have done wherever possible for many
years. What is much less clear is how aggressive banking
organizations will be in expanding into insurance underwriting,
where the synergies seem less apparent. The simple fact that many
insurance firms are mutual companies would prevent mergers and
acquisitions with them, at least until they change to stock
companies, as some have begun to do. The rates of return in
insurance firms, which seek a lower risk profile, may also be
unacceptably low for many large banking organizations. I expect
caution in bank-insurance underwriting affiliation, at least
The net effect, then, will
probably be more consolidation, including across financial
services firms. To the extent that consolidation is associated
with further diversification, the consolidated firms may end up
with higher debt ratings and lower funding costs relative to
banks. We must be cautious, however, in assuming that the more
diversified banking organizations will be inherently less risky
and hence less likely to be a source of systemic risk. Past
experience with consolidation in banking and geographic
diversification suggests that banking organizations often use the
benefit gained from diversification to increase the risk of
individual components of their portfolios. In practice, the
results will differ from firm to firm. What remains clear,
however, is that appropriate disclosure and strong risk-management
practices will become even more important in the years ahead,
especially for larger banking organizations.
Implications for Bank
The challenge for bank supervisors is, of course, to implement the
new blend of umbrella and functional supervision established in
the legislation. The magnitude of this challenge depends on the
degree of integration of financial activities within financial
holding companies and the relative size of the bank and the
nonbank activities within such organizations. In addition, we must
minimize the risk of transferring the federal safety net to
nonbank affiliates and subsidiaries. In particular, we must
differentiate the supervisory regime applied to the insured
depository institution from the regime applied to the nonbank
affiliates. An important task will be to develop the protocols for
the relationship between the Federal Reserve as umbrella
supervisor and the functional regulators of nonbank activities. We
must also improve communication, cooperation, and coordination
between the primary bank regulator and the Federal Reserve.
The Fed as Umbrella
Supervisor and the Blend of Umbrella and Functional Supervision
The new law maintains the Federal Reserve's current responsibility
as consolidated supervisor of bank holding companies, of which
financial holding companies are a subset. In this respect, the new
regulatory and supervisory regime is hardly a revolution. It's
more of an evolution, following naturally from the changes
expected in the financial services industry. The Congress, in
effect, decided to maintain the current supervisory structure for
consolidated financial institutions that include a bank. But the
Congress also made clear that it wanted the Federal Reserve to
respect the authority of functional regulators and not impose a
separate supervisory framework that involved excessive duplication
or burden.
At the Federal Reserve, we face
the immediate challenge of learning more about the risks of new
permissible activities--especially insurance underwriting and
merchant banking. During the past year, we made a head start on
insurance activities as we developed procedures for supervising
CitiGroup. Nonetheless, the expanded and new activities within
banking organizations add to the existing challenge of acquiring,
developing, and retaining highly skilled and experienced staff to
supervise and regulate increasingly large, complex financial
Before proceeding further, I
should explain the philosophy underlying umbrella supervision and
distinguish the purpose and intensity of this supervisory approach
from direct supervision of the insured depository institutions.
Today, all large and sophisticated financial services companies
manage their risks on a consolidated basis, cutting across the
legal entities such as banks and nonbank affiliates. Therefore,
overseeing the risk-taking of the consolidated entity is
important. The consolidated or umbrella supervisor aims to keep
the relevant regulators informed about overall risk-taking and to
identify and evaluate the myriad of risks that extend throughout
such diversified financial holding companies in order to judge how
the parts and the whole affect, or may affect, affiliated banks.
The Congress apparently believed that the supervision of the
consolidated financial holding company is a natural extension of
our current role as bank holding company supervisor.
To fulfill this responsibility,
the Federal Reserve plans to focus on the organization's
consolidated risk-management process and on overall capital
adequacy. The consolidated capital issue is complicated by the
affiliation of banks with institutions that have their own
financial regulator and capital regulation. We are in the process
of tackling these issues, knowing that responsibility for ensuring
adequate management processes and control relies, in the first
instance, with a bank's management and its primary supervisor. As
umbrella supervisor, the Federal Reserve seeks to gain an overview
of the organization's activities and to fill crucial supervisory
gaps as they pertain to potential threats to affiliated U.S.
depository institutions.
The role of a financial holding
company supervisor is significantly different from that of a bank
supervisor. This difference reflects that between an insured
depository institution and a nonbank affiliate of the holding
company. Depository institutions are covered by the federal safety
net--deposit insurance and access to the discount window and to
other guarantees associated with the Federal Reserve's payment and
settlement system. Access to the federal safety net damps the
incentive of investors in and creditors of banks to monitor banks'
risk-taking, which in turn breaks the link between bank
risk-taking and funding costs. The regulation and supervision of
banks aims to compensate for the resultant breakdown in market
discipline and to limit the call on the taxpayer in case the
failure of banks overwhelms the deposit insurance fund. Besides
being concerned about the taxpayer, we must also recognize that
the failure of a large bank or of several banks simultaneously
could have systemic consequences for the economy.
The financial modernization law
did not change the focus of the safety net. But the relative
growth of activities in bank holding companies outside the insured
depository institution as well as the increased focus by both
management and supervisors on consolidated risk management may
make maintaining this distinction more challenging.
That the special support and
protection of the bank safety net will flow from the bank to its
new affiliates is always a risk. But the recently enacted law
provides that, where specialized functional regulators already
oversee the new permissible activities, duplication of supervision
and hence excessive regulatory burden should be avoided. In
addition, since market discipline operates more effectively with
nonbank activities not subject to the moral hazard of the safety
net, regulators should also avoid diminishing this market
discipline in the new financial holding companies. Thus, the act
discourages the extension of bank-like regulation and supervision
to the nonbank affiliates and subsidiaries. The Federal Reserve
can also contribute to this goal by being clear in word and deed
that the affiliation of nonbank entities with a bank does not
afford them access to the safety net.
However, the Congress also saw
the need for an umbrella supervisor to protect insured depository
institutions from the risks of activities conducted in bank
holding company affiliates. Laws exist that limit the credit
extension by insured depository institutions to their affiliates,
and the umbrella supervisor--the Fed--is charged with limiting
other forms of risk exposure to the depository institution from
the bank holding company structure. Clearly, there is a tension
between protecting the banks from such risks and avoiding the
extension of bank-like supervision to the affiliates. The
provisions of the law dealing with the relationship of the Federal
Reserve and the functional supervisors of the nonbank affiliates
attempt to balance these considerations.
The Federal Reserve Board
continues to have authority to examine and to require reports from
any bank holding company (including a financial holding company)
or any subsidiary of the holding company. The so-called Fed-lite
provisions of the act, however, would limit the Board's ability to
examine and require reports from functionally regulated
subsidiaries of a bank holding company, defined to mean certain
entities regulated by the SEC, a state insurance authority, or the
Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Specifically, these include
a broker, a dealer, or an investment company registered with the
SEC. They also include any insurance company, insurance agent,
investment adviser, or CFTC-regulated entity, but only with
respect to the company's functionally regulated activities.
Under these provisions, the
Board must rely, to the fullest extent possible, on publicly
available information, externally audited financial statements,
and reports that a functionally regulated subsidiary must provide
to its regulator. The Federal Reserve can examine such
functionally regulated entities only if (1) the Board has
reasonable cause to believe that the entity is engaged in
activities that pose a material risk to an affiliated depository
institution, (2) the Board determines an examination is necessary
to inform the Board of the risk management systems of the company,
or (3) the Board has reasonable cause to believe the entity is not
in compliance with the banking laws.
Communication, Cooperation
and Coordination among Multiple Banking Regulators
The United States is distinguished by the complexity of the
regulatory and supervisory framework applied to financial
activities and institutions. Financial modernization did not make
the regulatory structure any less complex, but it did, at the
margin, try to clarify some of the relationships to avoid
unnecessary duplication and regulatory burden. An additional
challenge for the agencies will be to cooperate and share
information among the umbrella, functional, and bank supervisors
in a manner that is satisfactory to all, that minimizes regulatory
burden and overlap, and that conforms to the letter and spirit of
the legislation.
I have already discussed the
relationship between the Federal Reserve as umbrella supervisor
and the functional regulators of nonbank activities within banking
organizations. Now I want to focus on the relationship between the
primary bank supervisors and the Federal Reserve as umbrella
supervisor. Nothing in this relationship was changed by the
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Nevertheless, passage of the act prompts
us once again to consider how best to make the relationship
mandated by the Congress work efficiently and in the public
interest and requires, it seems to me, all of the individual
parties to work out relationships and operating norms that serve
the objective of safe, sound, and efficient financial markets. The
implicit tensions among the regulators are a fact of life; good
will and cooperation are required if we are to carry out the law.
The Federal Reserve is, along
with the state banking departments, the primary bank supervisor
for state member banks. The Federal Reserve and state banking
departments have worked hard to develop a smooth relationship that
minimizes duplication and regulatory burden and maintains the
value of the state banking charter in an environment characterized
increasingly by banks with geographic spans that cross states and
that are more and more national in scope. The FDIC is the federal
primary regulator for state nonmember banks, and the OCC has this
authority for banks with national charters.
In principle, the relationship
between the umbrella supervisor and primary federal bank regulator
could involve the relationship between the Federal Reserve and
either the FDIC or the OCC. In practice, however, the key
relationship for large, complex financial holding companies will
be between the Federal Reserve and the OCC because the banks in
large, complex financial holding companies are either state member
or national banks. Indeed, most of the large and complex
institutions likely to take advantage of the new opportunities
have lead banks with national charters.
This relationship between the
primary bank regulator and the umbrella supervisor must respect
the individual statutory authorities and responsibilities of the
respective regulators. At the same time, the primary bank
regulator and the umbrella supervisor need to share information
that allows them to carry out their responsibilities without
creating duplication or excessive burden.
Given the systemic risk
associated with the disruption of the operations of large
banks--and the role of the bank within the broader banking
organization--the Federal Reserve believes that it needs to know
more about the activities within large insured depository
institutions than can be derived from access to public information
or from the reports of the primary bank supervisor. Similarly, the
primary bank regulator needs information about the activities of a
bank's parent company and its nonbank affiliates to protect the
bank from threats that might arise elsewhere in the consolidated
organization. That is particularly so when companies manage their
businesses and attendant risks across legal entities within the
structure of a financial holding company.
The result is a complicated
relationship, with the implicit tensions I noted earlier. We each
have our specific statutory responsibilities--the primary bank
regulator for the bank and the Fed for the consolidated holding
company. Yet to be most effective we need to work cooperatively
and provide each other with access to information and
communications channels for acquiring knowledge. This should
include participation in each other's examination teams, when
The bottom line is that the
primary bank regulator and the Federal Reserve as umbrella
supervisor should establish practical operating arrangements to
ensure that the relationship avoids duplication, minimizes
regulatory burden, respects individual responsibilities, and still
ensures the wider flow of information required to meet their
individual and collective responsibilities.
The passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act does not, by any means,
end the work of banking and other financial service regulators on
financial modernization. The Federal Reserve and the Treasury, in
particular, are working together under a tight time limit to write
a wide range of rules to implement the legislation. All the other
banking agencies and other financial service regulators also have
their work cut out for them. To carry out the new law's blend of
umbrella and functional regulation, we must all develop
supervisory strategies that give careful attention to the need for
cooperation and coordination. I am confident that, together, we
will fulfill our individual and collective responsibilities and
meet the challenges posed by the new law.

Tasks assigned to the Federal Reserve to
Facilitate Implementation of the Legislation
The Federal Reserve was given
two types of tasks to implement the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. First,
it has responsibility, often shared with the Treasury, for writing
the regulations to implement parts of the legislation. Second, the
Fed, often in cooperation with Treasury, must study a variety of
issues and potential future legislative options.
Writing the regulations
1. The Federal Reserve Board and the Secretary of the Treasury are
authorized to jointly issue regulations to implement the merchant
banking authority granted financial holding companies. These
include holding periods for the merchant bank's investments and
limits on transactions between depository institutions and the
firms in which the merchant bank invests, as well as their
2. The Board and the Secretary
of the Treasury are authorized to jointly determine what other
activities financial holding companies can engage in that are
financial in nature or incidental to financial activities.
3. The Board is required to
adopt final rules addressing the application of Section 23A of the
Federal Reserve Act to derivative transactions and intraday
4. The Board, with the other
federal banking agencies, must issue regulations implementing the
disclosure and reporting requirements that apply to any written
CRA agreement between a depository institution (or affiliate) and
a nongovernment person or entity, subject to stipulated
5. The Board, the other banking
agencies, the Treasury, the SEC, the NCUA, and the FTC, after
consulting with representatives of the state insurance
commissioners, must each adopt regulations implementing the
privacy requirements governing the sharing of nonpublic customer
information by financial institutions with third parties, the
disclosure of privacy policies by financial institutions, and the
right of consumers to opt out of information sharing by financial
1. The Board, in consultation with the chairmen and ranking
members of the House and Senate Banking committees, must study the
CRA, focusing on the default and delinquency rates and
profitability of loans made under the CRA.
2. The Board and the Secretary
of the Treasury are required to jointly study the feasibility and
appropriateness of requiring large insured depository institutions
and their holding companies to hold a portion of their capital in
the form of subordinated debt.
3. The Secretary of the
Treasury, in consultation with the federal banking agencies, is
required to study the effect of the law on the availability of
services in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods.
4. The Board and the Treasury
are authorized to study the experience of financial holding
companies with merchant banking activities. After five years, they
may jointly remove the prohibition on financial subsidiaries
engaging in merchant banking.
5. The Treasury and the federal
banking agencies are required to study the effect of the law on
the availability of small business and farm loans.
6. The Treasury, the Federal
Trade Commission, and other federal regulators, including the Fed,
are required to study information-sharing practices at financial
7. The Treasury and federal
banking regulators are required to study how to adapt regulatory
requirements to electronic banking.