On the principle that mistakes
teach us as much as, if not more than, successes, I will take this
opportunity to consider what can be learned to improve bank
supervision and regulation from the financial crises that
afflicted so many economies over the past 2-1/2 years. I will
consider two episodes--the Asian financial crisis and the
financial market turmoil surrounding the near-bankruptcy of the
hedge fund Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM). Because these
episodes are too recent and too complicated to draw many firm
conclusions that lead to concrete policy recommendations, part of
my objective today is to identify some areas where I believe that
further study would be particularly productive.
The Two Crises
The details of these two episodes are familiar to everyone here.
The floating of the Thai baht in July 1997 marked the onset of a
period of market turbulence associated with the halting of new
funds to and, in most cases, the flight of existing money from,
many economies in Southeast Asia. Because many entities in those
nations relied on short-term funding in foreign currency for their
ongoing operations, the drying up of funding from global financial
markets quickly placed serious strains on them. And because the
lines between the private and official sectors were often drawn
imprecisely, these funding problems for firms soon became the
burdens of national governments. Such pressures, unfortunately,
exposed numerous and substantial flaws in some of these financial
systems, including lax lending policies, substantial mismatches in
the maturities and foreign exchange denominations of assets and
liabilities, seriously deficient standards for disclosure of basic
private financial information, hedges based on erroneous
presumptions about the correlations among returns, the failure to
monitor ongoing loan performance, and the inadequacy of reserves
against potential losses.
In autumn 1998, we in the major
industrial countries were reminded that emerging market economies
did not have a monopoly on financial institutions that were
inadequate in the task of assessing risks. The effective default
of the government of Russia on some of its obligations and the
travails of LTCM in rebuilding its capital in the face of enormous
trading losses--occurring as they did so soon after the crisis in
Asia--triggered a generalized reassessment of risk-taking by
investors and market makers. Interest rate risk spreads widened
into ranges normally associated with the troughs of recessions,
and reductions in the liquidity of even government securities
markets suggested a marked contraction of trading activity. In
retrospect, the counterparties of LTCM had underestimated the
risks associated with that firm's strategy, both in terms of the
leverage undertaken and the size and scope of open positions, some
of which were in illiquid markets or ones that would become
illiquid if attempts were made in scale to close out positions.
Many firms dealing with LTCM quickly found themselves with a
considerably greater potential exposure to loss than they had
bargained for, both directly on their credits to LTCM and--should
the hedge fund have failed and prices moved as its positions were
liquidated--indirectly in their own trading books and on some of
their other outstanding credits.
Some Tentative Lessons and
I take three lessons away from this experience and suggest a like
number of supervisory and regulatory responses.
As for the lessons, first,
measures of direct risk-taking can provide misleading assessments
of overall exposure in an environment with so many
interconnections. The direct lending exposure of most global
financial institutions to Thailand, Malaysia, and Korea was
limited at the time. However, proxy hedging of country risks in
international financial markets propagated shocks across national
borders beyond that called for by direct trade and financial
linkages alone, spreading the initial problems in Asia to many
other markets. Simply, those entities with direct exposure to
troubled credits sometimes took offsetting hedging positions in
obligations of other economies that traded in deeper and
more-liquid markets on the theory that the usual correlation among
returns in that asset class would trim at least some of their
potential losses. In the process, those deeper markets used for
hedging purposes, including ones in Hong Kong, Australia, Brazil,
and Mexico, suffered their own downdrafts at the peak of the Asian
crisis. Similarly, concerns about the potential fire sale of
LTCM's assets, as well as the efforts of counterparties to
rebalance their positions in advance of possible failure of the
hedge fund, produced wide swings in many financial prices and
contributed to a drying up of market liquidity. As a result,
institutions with no direct exposure to Asian economies, Russia,
or LTCM found themselves caught flat-footed.
Second, regulators and industry
participants in industrial countries have reason to be proud that
improvements in capital, regulatory structure, and risk management
over the years allowed depository institutions to weather the
storms without substantial adverse effects. Exposures to emerging
market economies were much more limited in this episode when
compared with the debt crisis of the early 1980s. For instance, on
the eve of the debt crisis in 1982, U.S. banks'direct exposure to
Latin America ran about 125 percent of their capital, and for the
largest banks, it was more than 180 percent of capital. In
contrast, in mid-1997, U.S. banks' direct credit exposure to all
emerging markets was around one-third of their capital. These
lower exposures reflect, to an important degree, a better
management of risk that recognizes the importance of
diversification across asset classes.
Third, regulators and industry
participants also have reason to be humble. Few would have
predicted that the floating of the Thai baht would topple dominoes
all over the region with such force. And the almost universally
accepted opinion of the risk-taking prowess of LTCM proved
mistaken in retrospect. These examples should serve as a reminder
that we will not be able to know where, when, or with how much
force the next crisis will hit. However, one of the surest lessons
of history is that there will be a next crisis, a crisis that will
share some attributes of the ones that came before while offering
new challenges in its own right.
And that brings us to the
appropriate responses: First, in preparation for the next round of
problems, supervisors and regulators should reinforce efforts to
get the basics right. For all the talk of financial wizardry that
allows the unbundling and transferring of risks and the lightening
speeds of transmission that occupy so much attention, I would like
to remind everyone that, by and large, the mistakes of the past
few years were rather humdrum. In Asia, there were widespread
failures of supervision and regulation, including the failure to
enforce limits on lending to individual entities, to appreciate
the implications of over-reliance on potentially changeable
short-term sources of funding, to evaluate repayment risk on a
timely basis, and to react quickly as problems emerged. In
industrial countries, it was a widespread misassessment of
counterparty risk. Whether lulled by the collateral provided for
credit exposure by each daily marking to market or the lofty
reputation of the principals of the firm, counterparties failed to
provide an effective check on the leverage of LTCM.
That said, we should appreciate
that in the United States and Europe, bank supervision and
regulatory capital standards worked well in protecting the banking
system. Thus, a second item on my list of responses to the recent
financial crisis is that work must continue to determine the
incremental improvements that can be put in place within the
existing structure, especially including supplementing those
efforts with an increased reliance on market discipline.
And a third important response
is to recognize that these incremental improvements will be more
drastic for some institutions and less drastic for others. The
general principle, I think, is that the complexity and focus of
both the supervisory examination and the capital requirements
should be determined by the complexity, diversity, and perhaps the
scale of the organization being examined. This suggests not only
different approaches across nations but also different
approaches within nations. A one-size-fits-all supervisory
and regulatory framework is simply inconsistent with the existing
and evolving banking structure. Banks are just too different, with
different risk profiles, risk controls, strategies, and approaches
to managing risks to be supervised and regulated by one yardstick.
Similar institutions should be supervised and regulated similarly,
and different institutions differently. The
consultative document released by the Basel supervisors in June
recognizes this multitrack approach
Agendas for Action
By the United States
In the United States, this suggests that the current structure of
supervision and regulation--including minimum capital
rules--probably does not have to be changed very much for most
banks and perhaps can even be simplified for some. But there is a
small subset of megabanks, who through growth and consolidation
have reached a scale and diversity that would threaten the
stability of financial markets around the world in the event of
their failure--or even if they faced severe stress under certain
circumstances. For these larger, complex banking organizations,
the Federal Reserve has already begun a different supervisory
focus, and we believe that further modifications are required in
both that approach and capital regulations.
We have chosen about thirty U.
S. banking organizations--about one-third subsidiaries of foreign
banks, by the way--whose scale, complexity, and diversity
distinguish them from other organizations, especially the role
that they play in U.S. and world financial markets. For each of
these large, complex banking organizations--creatively known as
LCBOs in supervisory circles--we have established dedicated teams
of examiners, assisted by roving teams of specialists in payments
systems, risk management, information technology, financial
engineering, and modeling. Each examiner team is headed by a
Central Point of Contact, and that team is dedicated full-time to
understanding and supervising everything about that
organization--especially its risk profile, risk controls, and
strategy. Just as each institution is different, the team is
supplemented by different experts as needed. As these institutions
grow more sophisticated and complex, our challenge is to attempt
to develop the skills to evaluate their activities.
But scale and complexity imply
that the supervisor cannot alone accomplish the job, or at least
cannot do so without a degree of intrusion and network of rules
and regulations that would be simply inconsistent with the need
for flexibility and rapid response by financial businesses
operating in an increasingly complex market environment. We have
no choice, therefore, but to rely increasingly on market
discipline as both a supplement to supervision and regulation and
as a source of information to the supervisors. Such market
discipline--which in practice can best be applied only to those
large institutions that rely significantly on uninsured on- and
off-balance-sheet liabilities to finance their
activities--requires a larger scale and scope of public disclosure
than so far has characterized banking, even with the substantial
disclosures already made by large U.S. banks. Information on the
risk categories of credit exposure, credit concentration, and
exposure retained in securitizations is an example of the kind of
disclosure that may be required if the cost and availability of
funding is to truly reflect the riskiness of individual
Capital regulation for LCBOs
also must change. Best-practice banks in the United States have
already begun the process of risk-categorizing their portfolios
and using historical data to establish internal capital
allocations, loan loss reserving, and pricing. Our examiners have
been instructed to begin evaluating these systems and urging their
improvement. We have also begun work on how best to tie the required
minimum capital regulation for an individual large bank
directly into its own internal risk-profiling system,
rather than to one or even multiple externally defined "risk
buckets." This isn't going to be easy. The U.S. regulators
and our colleagues abroad are hard at work on how to do it. At the
outset, I am sure, the approach will be relatively simple, but as
both banks and supervisors learn, it will become more
The framework for LCBOs in the
United States, then, will be based on the three pillars discussed
in the Basel Supervisors consultative paper: market discipline,
supervision, and capital regulation. My personal view is that in
the near term we will have to rely more on supervision,
supplemented increasingly by market discipline, as we develop and
deploy the revised capital regulations.
By Emerging Market Economies
In emerging market economies, national authorities have to develop
the expertise in supervision and regulation to monitor activities
of complex financial organizations and foster enhanced risk
management practices in their local industry. But we must
appreciate that such experience accumulates only over time. In the
interim, national authorities may well want to consider
supplementing their supervisory and regulatory framework with
quantitative restrictions that limit risk-taking. When the skills
to interpret regulations flexibly are in short supply, national
authorities might prefer to bind themselves to simple rules. Such
rules presumably would be structured to prevent the outsized
behaviors that in the past have preceded financial crises, such as
extremely rapid growth in lending for property development or a
large share of real estate loans on depositories' balance sheets.
I would also like to point out
that the institutional depth to both manage and examine complex
banking organizations need not always be home grown. While I
appreciate the natural sensitivities of countries trying to build
their own economic capabilities, emerging market economies seeking
to strengthen their own financial systems should not
restrict--and, indeed, may want to encourage--entry by foreign
banks. Foreign banks will bring with them the human and financial
capital that can raise the level of financial expertise for the
entire industry, to the benefit of local banking services. The
presence of such global banks will also foster the development of
complementary institutions, such as credit-rating agencies and
accounting firms, that will be valuable for both local
institutions and national supervisors. Those foreign banks also
will likely have access to strong parents, implying that the
resources that can be applied to quelling financial turmoil will
extend beyond the limits of the national central bank.
By International
We must also recognize that the agendas for strengthening banking
systems in industrial and emerging market economies are
intertwined. There are important cooperative advances to be made,
starting with progress on monitoring compliance with international
standards. But all the effort in establishing standards and
guidelines will go for naught if there are not clear,
comprehensive procedures for monitoring the performance of banks
in meeting them and incentives for adopting them. Part of this, no
doubt, will require strengthening cooperation among national
supervisors. Many financial institutions have increased their
global reach, and those who have not are still affected by
development abroad. Supervisors must therefore also strengthen
their connections outside their national markets.
While the events of the last few
years that have buffeted world markets caught us by surprise, they
were not a total surprise. With the benefit of hindsight, we can
pick out warning signals in some countries that were missed in
advance of the Asian crisis, including an overreliance on
leverage, a troubling buildup of short-term financing, and an
overvalued exchange rate. With LTCM, there was similar excessive
leverage and reliance on short-term financing arrangements. Going
forward, international organizations and national authorities will
have to invest more resources in monitoring markets for signs of
stress. While there is not a single indicator of banking or
balance-of-payment crises, the tracking of financial market prices
in many markets and financial flows across borders should help to
identify trouble spots. Where appropriate, national authorities
should consider broadening the information they collect.
Complementary to these efforts,
national authorities can take steps to facilitate transparency
within markets. The key to avoiding excessive leverage is the
market discipline that should be provided by market participants'
creditors and counterparties. But market discipline works well
only if counterparties share sufficient information to allow
reliable assessments of their risk profiles. Supervisors need to
ensure that, before establishing credit relationships, regulated
entities have a clear picture of a counterparty's risk profile and
have ensured that information relevant to that relationship will
be available on a sufficiently timely and ongoing basis. Public
disclosure also has an important role to play, and authorities
should make sure that appropriate requirements are in place. To be
sure, public disclosure is unlikely to be sufficiently timely or
detailed to meet the needs of creditors. Still, it is essential to
protect retail depositors and investors, and it provides a
standardized framework from which customized bilateral disclosures
can be drawn and elaborated.
Lastly, industrial countries
have the responsibility to assist in the training of supervisors
in emerging market economies, an area in which, I am pleased to
say, we in the Federal Reserve System have been active for a
while. We cannot afford not to take this responsibility, and in
this regard, virtue is more than its own reward. We benefit in
such technical assistance by strengthening our contacts with
supervisors abroad, which is important when examining
internationally active institutions based here at home, and by
reducing the potential for adverse shocks from abroad.
Issues for Further
As I noted, one of the contributing factors to Asian financial
distress was the ill-considered buildup of short-term foreign
currency borrowing by banks in these nations from banks in
industrial countries. Some have attributed such behavior to the
effects of an inappropriately low capital charge in the Basel
Accord for short-term interbank credit extensions. They argue that
the experience requires an increase in capital charges in order to
effectively control the quantity of interbank loans.
I do believe that we, in fact,
should question the treatment of interbank credit by the Accord.
Credit risk, in my view, ought to be determined by the specific
circumstances of the individual borrower. If that borrower is
really the sovereign, let us be up front about it. If the borrower
is really a bank, its capital classification should not be
determined simply by its home country. The Capital Accord should
not lend its support to the unfortunately traditional presumption
of external creditors that countries need to stand behind all
external borrowings by their banks. So, by all means, I am firmly
in the camp for adjusting interbank capital charges. But, I doubt
that an alignment of risk weights for interbank credit itself
would have had much effect on the borrowing and lending behavior
we saw in the runup to the Asian financial crisis.
This is not to say that
interbank lending has not been a problem. But the problem may be
us. That is, we have created a significant moral hazard by, in
effect, making lending banks whole, and even increasing their
returns, when the borrowing banks in emerging nations are unable
to meet their obligations. When confronted with the reality, no
authority has been willing to face the implications of bank
defaults on the losses of the lending banks or the implications of
the unavailability of new bank credit for the nation in default.
But our perfectly rational short-run decisions create the
incentive for lending banks to do the same thing again, and again,
and again. Returns are reasonably high, and risk to them is
reasonably low.
The issue is clearly the
short-run-long-run tradeoff and I do not have much to add to the
argument about interbank lending other than that some change in
the architecture and process must be made or the cycle will
continue; and that change must involve some genuine risk-taking by
the lending banks if we are to reduce, if not eliminate, the moral
hazard we have created.
A final word about short-run-long-run tradeoffs. Some have argued
that both risk-sensitive capital charges and market discipline
will be pro-cyclical. The rationale, as I understand it, is that
following a peak, as economic conditions deteriorate, evaluations
of risk will change, and risk premiums will rise. As more
potential borrowers are viewed as riskier, banks will be even less
willing to lend so as to avoid facing higher capital charges or
higher borrowing costs or less availability in the market. In an
improving economy, the opposite occurs. As one of my colleagues
states, the problem with market discipline and risk-based capital
is that they work. If and as they work, we may well observe what
the critics note. But, that short-run effect has to be evaluated
against the long run, and a judgment reached about the terms of
the tradeoff. For in the long run, both market discipline and
risk-based capital charges affect ex ante risk-appetites
because lenders can calculate the likely impact of their actions.
The resultant change in behavior should reduce the amplitude of
cycles, and any resultant pro-cyclicality has to be evaluated
against that backdrop. Or, more generally, short runs have to be
evaluated against the backdrop of long runs, regardless of Mr.
Keynes's unfortunate observations about the latter.