It is a pleasure to be with you
today. These conferences sponsored by the Institute on Law and
Financial Services bring together a diverse group of individuals
with interests in banking and financial markets, facilitating
discussion of issues that cut across disciplines. This year's
program, which explores topics associated with risk management for
derivatives, is no exception.
The events in markets during the
last few years have given market participants and policymakers
ample incentive to reevaluate risk management procedures related
to derivatives. The collapse of Long-Term Capital Management
prompted studies by the President's Working Group on Financial
Markets, the banking and securities supervisors, and private
market participants. With its study of LTCM behind it, the
President's Working Group released a long-awaited report that
evaluates the regulatory framework for over-the-counter
A major focus of these efforts
has been the challenge of managing counterparty credit risk--that
is, the risk that a counterparty will not settle an obligation for
full value, either when the obligation is due or at any time
thereafter. The policies and procedures within individual firms
and the techniques by which individual firms measure and manage
counterparty risk, are prominent themes in both the report by the
President's Working Group on hedge funds and the guidance from
bank supervisors that followed LTCM. However, less focus has been
placed on the ways in which collective efforts to strengthen
market infrastructure could reduce risk. This is a central theme
of the President's Working Group report on OTC derivatives. Its
recommendations would enable market participants, working
together, to develop new trading and clearing structures. The
private-sector group known as the Counterparty Risk Management
Policy Group (CRMPG) also calls for important cooperative efforts
related to collateral programs, as does the International Swaps
and Derivatives Association (ISDA). My focus this afternoon will
be on the importance of collective efforts to strengthen market
infrastructure as part of the overall approach to the risk
management of derivative transactions.
At first, these two strands of
inquiry may appear to have little in common. On reflection,
however, we see that both attempt to broaden the range of tools
that market participants use to manage the risks arising from OTC
derivative activity. One set of studies and recommendations takes
the perspective of individual firms and offers steps that firms
can implement themselves to enhance risk management. The Working
Group's OTC study highlights ways in which collective efforts
could enhance risk management.
1. Collective Action to
Strengthen Market Infrastructure
Today's OTC infrastructure remains decentralized; trades are
executed and settled bilaterally. A review of that infrastructure
reveals weaknesses or limitations in existing practices. Some of
these weaknesses can be, and are being, addressed by individual
firms. Other weaknesses require cooperation and collective action
by firms. For example, firms could reduce risk and increase
efficiency as they improve their individual back office
procedures. Risk could also be reduced through centralized
mechanisms to execute and settle trades. Regulatory, legal, and
operational barriers currently prevent some of these mechanisms
from being used. Many of the recommendations in the Working
Group's report on OTC derivatives would remove unnecessary legal
and regulatory barriers to such innovations.
A challenge that policymakers
always face in such times is to let markets evolve naturally and
to refrain from attempting to dictate changes. The recommendations
in the Working Group's report reflect this evolutionary
philosophy. My goal today is to review areas in which improvements
are possible and to highlight the role that public policymakers
can play.
2. Trading
Status quo. The status quo for the trading of OTC
derivatives is a system of telephones and voice brokers. It is a
bit incongruous that the financial instruments employing the most
sophisticated asset-pricing technology are traded, by and large,
by means of the lowest technology. Most OTC derivative
transactions are executed by telephone between the traders acting
for the two counterparties. Conversations are almost invariably
recorded, and these recordings are used as evidence of the
existence and terms of a trade if disputes arise. Traders are
responsible for ensuring that prospective deals fall within credit
lines for the counterparty and within overall trading limits.
Firms have widely varying means for ensuring compliance with
credit limits. Some firms have on-line systems through which
traders can check the availability of credit lines. In other
firms, the process is manual, and traders apply to a relationship
officer before executing a trade.
Voice brokers are used in some
transactions, most frequently for common and relatively
standardized transactions. Brokers frequently are used for
single-currency interest rate swaps and forward rate agreements.
As in the spot foreign exchange markets, brokers are used to
locate counterparties for these trades. They do not act as
principal. Once counterparties who are willing to transact at the
quoted price have been identified, brokers reveal their names so
that they can determine if each other's credit quality is
acceptable and if the exposure can be accommodated within credit
limits. As you see, automation of trading is limited in the OTC
derivatives market.
Trading systems for foreign
exchange. Among financial products, foreign exchange probably
has recorded the most dramatic shifts in trading mechanisms in the
last few years. The volume of foreign exchange traded through
electronic brokering systems has grown rapidly and now accounts
for some three-quarters of the trading in major markets. Besides
these systems in the interdealer market, foreign exchange dealers
also have developed electronic trading facilities for customers.
Most bank dealers in foreign exchange have web sites that allow
their customers to trade electronically. Electronic trading
between customers does not seem to be happening, although systems
reportedly are under development.
Despite the enthusiasm with
which electronic enhancements to trading have been embraced in the
spot foreign exchange market, vendors have not successfully
extended their services to derivative products involving foreign
exchange. A service for the trading of forward foreign exchange
has attracted meager volumes, as has a service for the trading of
forward rate agreements. The latter service has been hampered by
its inability to offer its products in the United States. If the
recommendations of the President's Working Group were enacted,
this trading system would be excluded from the Commodity Exchange
Act (CEA), and the legal status of products offered through the
service would be clear, likely enhancing its attractiveness.
Trading systems for swaps.
Development of electronic trading systems for swaps also is likely
being hampered by the potential application of the CEA. The CFTC
has raised questions about the applicability of the CEA to a
system that electronically matches swap trades between dealers.
This system automates the functions that voice brokers currently
provide in the interdealer market. Participants in the system
electronically indicate their desire to enter into specific
transactions. Other dealers can accept a transaction, or they can
send an electronic message suggesting possible changes in terms.
Participants can execute trades only with other dealers for whom
they have acceptable credit limits. The credit limits of all
dealers vis-�-vis each other are loaded into the system before
trading. The managers of this system believe that regulatory
uncertainty about the application of the CEA has slowed the growth
of their business, too.
Potential risk-management
benefits. What are the implications of these developments (or
potential developments) for risk management? The most immediately
apparent benefits spring from the changes that electronics bring
to information flows. Currently, deals are struck over telephones,
perhaps with the assistance of voice brokers. The data from those
trades must be entered into the firms' information systems. For
some firms, data may even be keyed more than once. Electronic
systems allow the quick, accurate capture of data. The data can
then be used to update risk management information systems
rapidly. Other benefits may be realized in firms' ability to
manage their credit limits. A feature of many electronic systems
is credit limits that are programmed into the system. This feature
narrows the ability of rogue traders to expose firms without the
knowledge of risk managers.
Just as electronic systems can
generate data useful in internal risk management, they can also
generate data about the market for financial instruments. The
rapid growth and widespread acceptance of electronic brokering
reportedly has made the pricing process more transparent in the
foreign exchange market. Dealers no longer have to do a
transaction to discover where the market is trading. Similar
improvements in price transparency could be expected in other
products. End-users in these products may also reap benefits if
competition among dealers increases and bid-offer spreads narrow.
3. Settlement
Status quo. Currently, settling derivatives transactions
requires lots of paper and manual labor. Counterparties must
confirm the details of deals with each other. The confirmation
lists the economic features of the transaction as well as many
legal terms. ISDA has developed templates for confirmations that
market participants use for many products, but tailor-made
confirmations may be necessary for certain products or certain
counterparties. In some instances, confirmations are generated
electronically, but for a range of products, the process is
manual. Even electronically generated confirmations often must be
manually verified by counterparties. Many confirmations are faxed
between counterparties. S.W.I.F.T., an interbank messaging system,
is used to confirm foreign currency options, forward rate
agreements, and cross-currency swaps, but its usefulness is
limited because both counterparties must employ the system.
Electronics thus are not the rule in confirmation processing. Not
surprisingly, the result has been significant backlogs. Active
dealers report hundreds of unconfirmed trades. A small but
significant share may be outstanding ninety days or more.
Another feature of settlements
in OTC derivatives in recent years has been the development of
collateral programs. U.S. dealers, in particular, have rapidly
expanded their use of collateral to mitigate counterparty credit
risks. In these programs, counterparties typically agree that, if
exposures change over time and one party comes to represent a
credit risk to the other, the party posing the credit risk will
post collateral to cover some (or all) of the exposure. These
programs offer market participants a powerful tool for helping
control credit risk, but they also embody substantial
documentation and operational challenges.
Alternative procedures could
lead to risk reduction in many areas of the settlement of OTC
derivatives. Collateral programs themselves could be strengthened
to provide even greater benefits.
Need to address backlogs.
Most dealers acknowledge that the failure to confirm trades
heightens the risk that the transaction will be unenforceable.
Because unconfirmed trades create the potential that errors in
trade records and management information systems will go
undetected, they also create the possibility that both market and
credit risk will be measured incorrectly. Quantitative measures of
market risk and credit risk are only as good as the transaction
data on which they are based.
Most firms active in the markets
recognize the need to address the backlogs in confirmations. The
CRMPG report, for example, directed several recommendations toward
firms' need to improve market practices in this area, and it set a
target of confirming trades within five days of the trade date.
The problem of backlogs can be attacked from two directions.
First, individual firms can strengthen their policies with regard
to confirmations. They could monitor backlogs more carefully and
devote resources to reducing those backlogs. They could enhance
internal systems for capturing trade data and generating
confirmations. Management can place a priority on reducing the
backlog and assign clear responsibility for such reduction.
Second, backlogs can be reduced by standardizing and
electronically matching confirmations or by developing electronic
trading systems that create a match at the time of the trade.
These latter methods for reducing backlogs clearly must be pursued
collectively. A system for electronically matching confirmations
will be helpful only if substantial portions of a firm's
counterparties use the same system. Similarly, electronic trading
systems require a critical mass of participants.
Need to strengthen collateral
management practices. The volatile market conditions that
surrounded the LTCM episode provided a test of many firms' risk
management systems and particularly their collateral programs.
During the episode, collateral successfully mitigated credit risk,
as designed. However, events also highlighted weaknesses in
current policies and programs. These weaknesses have been examined
in some depth in studies both by banking supervisors and by ISDA.
It is important to address them because improperly managed
collateral programs may give firms a false sense of security.
Reductions in credit risk may not be as great as perceived. The
studies point to ways in which individual firms can make
collateral programs more effective.
First and foremost, the studies
emphasize that collateral is a complement to credit analysis; it
is not a substitute for credit analysis. Supervisors observed that
some firms accepted counterparties that were unwilling to provide
information about their risk profile as long as they were willing
to post collateral. The fallacy of that approach was vividly
demonstrated. Positions may rapidly change in value, creating
uncollateralized credit exposures to counterparties of unknown
creditworthiness. A main point of these studies was the need for
counterparties both to recognize the potential for unsecured
exposures to arise in the future and to measure such exposures
more carefully.
A second theme in the studies
was the need for counterparties to recognize that, although
collateral programs mitigate credit risk, they also introduce
operational, liquidity, and legal risks. To realize the benefits
of the collateral program, back office systems must be very
robust. That is, counterparties must be able to value portfolios,
track collateral posted, call for any deficiencies, and verify the
timely receipt of collateral. Various studies have noted that
firms relying on collateral programs must establish rigorous
controls and devote sufficient resources to them. Additional
liquidity and legal risks also arise with collateral programs.
Counterparties entering into collateral agreements must ensure
that they themselves can deliver collateral in a timely fashion,
and the extensive legal documents related to the program must be
enforceable in relevant jurisdictions.
Clearing. A device used
to mitigate credit risk among groups of participants in many
financial markets is a clearinghouse. A clearinghouse typically
substitutes itself as central counterparty to all transactions
that its members agree to submit for clearing. The
creditworthiness of the clearinghouse is thus substituted for that
of its members. The clearinghouse assumes the responsibility for
managing credit risk through financial safeguards such as
membership standards, capital requirements, and collateral
The clearing of OTC derivatives
is quite limited. Some clearing of OTC products has been conducted
in Sweden for several years. Last year, the London Clearing House
(LCH) began offering such services more broadly, but volumes to
date have been limited. In the United States, the clearing of OTC
derivatives has been hampered by legal uncertainty associated with
the possible application of the Commodity Exchange Act. If the
recommendations in the report of the President's Working Group are
implemented, this uncertainty will be resolved. Clearinghouses for
OTC derivatives could be created under various regulatory regimes.
The only restriction would be that the clearinghouse be
supervised. That supervision could be provided by the CFTC, the
Securities and Exchange Commission, the Comptroller of the
Currency, or the Federal Reserve.
Clearing OTC derivatives offers
several potential benefits. A clearinghouse can substantially
mitigate counterparty credit risk through multilateral netting of
obligations and implementation of sound risk controls. Legal risks
tend to be reduced with clearing because the default procedures of
clearinghouses are supported by specific provisions of national
law. Clearinghouses also usually impose stringent operational
standards on members, and they likely would provide added impetus
to efforts to develop automated systems for confirming trades.
But clearing has limitations,
too. Clearinghouses tend to concentrate risks and risk management.
The key issue is how effectively a clearinghouse manages the risks
it assumes. The record on risk management provided by
clearinghouses in the United States is quite good. The same
safeguards could be applied in the OTC context, particularly for
relatively simple OTC products. But certain hurdles that arise
because of the nature of OTC markets would have to be overcome.
Contracts in the clearing process would have to be valued by
models rather than by prices generated on an exchange floor. More
important, in the event of a member default, OTC products likely
would take longer to close out than exchange-traded products. This
hurdle could be overcome, however, by the imposition of higher
margin requirements on members or by the clearinghouse's
maintaining larger supplemental financial resources.
Clearing also may have the
perverse effect of increasing risk on counterparties' portfolios
of noncleared contracts. Clearinghouses for OTC contracts
typically propose to clear the relatively simple OTC instruments.
The remaining contracts will be settled bilaterally between the
two counterparties, as they are today. The bilateral exposures on
the noncleared contracts might increase to some degree if the
contracts that were removed for clearing had been offsetting some
of that exposure. The magnitude of this effect will vary from
counterparty to counterparty because it is portfolio specific.
Individual counterparties, therefore, must carefully assess the
potential benefits of clearing.
4. Conclusion: The Role of
Public Policy
The role of public policy is to encourage sound risk management.
In this regard, policymakers are encouraging firms to enhance
their risk-management systems, including appropriate management
oversight, adequate risk-management policies and procedures,
effective risk-measurement and monitoring systems, comprehensive
internal controls and independent external audit. Policymakers
simply cannot dictate the details of risk management based upon
assumed market developments.
Markets currently are in
tremendous flux, and policymakers cannot foresee the needs in
future years. Thus, the soundest course is to create a clear legal
and regulatory environment within which market participants can
develop risk management tools as needed. In some instances, rather
than mandating certain steps, policymakers might provide proper
incentives for risk-reducing steps through capital requirements or
disclosure regulations.
The recommendations in the
Working Group's report on OTC derivatives, in particular, aim to
clarify the legal status of electronic communication, trading, and
clearing systems. These recommendations, if implemented, offer a
variety of enhanced risk management tools to market participants.
Information flows could be improved, backlogs in the settlement
process might be reduced, and the benefits of multilateral netting
might be realized.
However, it remains for market
participants to develop the systems that will best serve markets
within the given legal framework. I hope that market participants
pursue these opportunities. The risks of trading and settling OTC
derivatives can and should be reduced. Obviously, things that
firms can pursue individually are easier to tackle than those
requiring collective action. But the potential benefits of new
communication, trading, and clearing systems should be evaluated
carefully. Participants in OTC markets have worked together in the
past developing standard master agreements, for example, or
obtaining legal opinions on netting. Those experiences should be
useful as these new opportunities for reducing risks are
The challenge for policymakers
as these new opportunities are evaluated may well be doing
nothing. Policymakers no doubt will be tempted to mandate
cooperation on the part of market participants in an effort to
hasten developments that they believe may reduce risk. In adopting
such a course, however, they risk pushing markets and market
participants down inefficient and undesirable paths. Often market
participants are not pursuing steps that, on the surface, appear
desirable because the benefits do not seem sufficient. In that
event, policymakers' efforts would be better spent in helping
demonstrate that the benefits have not been appropriately
evaluated rather than in dictating market structures.