I want to begin my remarks today
by expressing my gratitude to President Clinton for his confidence
in me, and to you, Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee, for
holding hearings on my renomination for a fourth term as Chairman
of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The
Federal Reserve has had a close and productive relationship with
this Committee over the years. If you and your Senate colleagues
afford me the opportunity, I look forward to working with you in
the years ahead to build a framework to enable the American people
to enjoy the fruits of a sound and efficient financial system, in
an economy that is delivering the greatest possible sustained
increases in standards of living.
We at the Federal Reserve face
considerable challenges in carrying out our responsibilities for
both the financial system and the overall economy. In many
respects, these challenges relate to discerning, and keeping up
with the implications of, the accelerating pace of technological
change in our society. The Congress took a major step last year in
passing legislation that will help the citizens of the United
States realize the benefits of the rapid evolution of technology
in the delivery of financial services.
The Federal Reserve's challenge
now, working with our fellow regulators, is not only to implement
the new law, but more broadly to design supervisory and regulatory
policies that can deal effectively with the changing financial
structure. Effective oversight must balance a number of possibly
conflicting criteria. It must enable our financial sector to
evolve in a way that allows competition and technological change
so that financial services are delivered in the least costly, most
efficient way possible to the highest possible number of our
citizens. It must at the same time foster the fundamental
soundness of our financial system and put in place safeguards to
protect against the remote possibility that unsound behavior in
the financial sector is transmitted beyond the firms involved to
the economy more generally. And, it must accomplish the latter
with minimal use of the government safety net and of implicit or
explicit guarantees that tend to reduce accountability and market
discipline and foster excessive and destabilizing risk-taking.
For the economy overall, the
marked pickup in technological innovation has accelerated
productivity and raised standards of living for many--though
regrettably, not all--Americans. Our challenge in monetary policy
is to foster, as best we can, the financial conditions that will
allow this economic expansion and technological revolution to
continue as long, and as vigorously, as possible. Experience has
demonstrated that an essential ingredient in this prosperity, and
an ingredient for which the central bank has ultimate
responsibility over the long run, is low and stable inflation.
Effective price stability removes a major source of uncertainty
and distortion that would otherwise interfere with the spending
and saving decisions of households and businesses. Maintaining
price stability also reduces the likelihood that imbalances could
develop that would ultimately undermine economic expansion.
We have also learned that the
Federal Reserve's potential contributions to financial and
economic stability should not end with making policy decisions. We
also need to explain to the public what we are doing and why.
Importantly, in our democratic system our explanations provide the
members of this Committee, your Congressional colleagues, and the
people you serve with the information necessary to evaluate our
actions and to hold us accountable for them. As you know, we have
made considerable efforts in recent years to improve the
communication of our decisions, our expectations, and their
rationales to the public consistent with our mandate to deliver
effective monetary policy. This has not always been a
straightforward process, in which the consequences of each step
could be readily predicted, but it is one that must continue.
Thus the challenges and the
opportunities are substantial in a number of the areas in which
Congress has given the Federal Reserve important responsibilities.
But in the Federal Reserve, the Congress also has created an
institutional structure extraordinarily well-suited to address
these issues. The combination of a Board of Governors, firmly tied
to the national democratic process and providing overall
leadership to the System, and regional Reserve Banks, deeply
rooted in their local communities, enables us to bring a unique
perspective to the consideration of policy issues.
Our Reserve Banks supply
real-time information about developments in their regions, and
ongoing observation of, and familiarity with, the financial
institutions headquartered there. This information enhances our
ability not only to conduct monetary policy, but also to supervise
financial institutions and deal with emerging problems in the
financial sector, and to play a constructive role in regional
economic developments. Board members and Reserve Bank presidents
can employ these observations, along with their knowledge of the
national and international economic and financial situations, to
carry out our legislated mandates.
This structure and these
responsibilities have attracted to the Federal Reserve System men
and women of high intellectual capabilities and deep knowledge of
the relevant subjects. Naturally, and fortunately, these people
often disagree. Disagreements, however, are largely over evidence
and analysis, not goals and objectives. To be sure, Federal
Reserve decisions often emerge as a broad consensus of
policymakers. But forming that consensus involves considerable
give and take, with many people influencing the outcome.
Policymakers are in turn
supported by outstanding staff at the Board and the Reserve Banks.
Many, perhaps most, of the policymakers and staff could be making
substantially more income in the private sector, but, attracted by
the character of their colleagues, the nature and importance of
issues they deal with, and the atmosphere in which those issues
are addressed, they chose to exercise their considerable talents
within the Federal Reserve.
The strength of the institutions
and structures of the Federal Reserve is perhaps most visible in
the work of the Federal Open Market Committee. There, the ability
of Reserve Bank presidents to draw on local contacts can reveal
significant developments in the economy before they are visible in
the national data, and can help in understanding the forces behind
important economic trends. The Committee is an extraordinary
collection of individuals. Among the 17 people gathered around
that table, 13 have Ph.D.s. The others have the experience,
skills, and common sense to prevent the Committee from becoming
paralyzed with a surfeit of two-handed economists.
But monetary policy is not the
only area in which this unique blend of skills and perspectives is
brought to bear. We utilize committees of Board members and
Reserve Bank presidents to deal with such responsibilities as our
oversight of the payments system and the implications for
supervision and regulation of the growing size and complexity of
financial institutions.
What success the Federal Reserve
has had in carrying out its legislated responsibilities in recent
decades derives from many sources. Certainly, we have enjoyed good
fortune--dealing with the challenges of a pickup in innovation and
productivity is decidedly more enjoyable than the task faced by
our predecessors in the 1970s when productivity slowed and
stagflation held sway. I believe we have also learned from our
past mistakes, and I hope that we will recognize the new
misjudgments we will inevitably make quickly enough to prevent
them from becoming too serious and disruptive. And we have had
help and support from various Congresses and administrations
seeking, like us, to promote sound public policies. But our
ability to meet the legislative mandates of the Congress rests
ultimately on the strength of the institutions of the Federal
Reserve and the people who inhabit them.
It has been an extraordinary
privilege to be able to serve my country at the Federal Reserve,
and I would be honored if the Senate saw fit to enable me to
continue this association for another four years.