At one time or another, opinions
on how central banks should operate have focused on fixing
exchange rates, stabilizing the rate of growth of the money
supply, smoothing the growth of nominal income, or setting
short-term interest rates through an instrument rule. But lately
both academic economists and central bankers have become enamored
of a new procedure that may have more staying power than these
other approaches and that has certainly been more widely adopted
around the world. Called inflation targeting, this new procedure
essentially commits a country's central bank to hit an inflation
target, usually expressed as a low, positive rate of inflation
subject to some margin of error and some allowance for outside
price shocks.
New Zealand was the first
country to adopt a formal inflation targeting regime back in 1990.
It was soon followed by Canada, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and
Australia. The European Central Bank at least alludes to inflation
targeting in its strategy statements, as do many countries in
eastern Europe that aspire to join the European Union. At least
ten emerging- market countries have adopted inflation targeting as
a way to correct persistent inflation problems. In the last few
months alone, Turkey, Switzerland, and South Africa have announced
that they are switching to inflation targeting. When tallied up,
the number of countries on either a formal or an informal
inflation-targeting regime now approaches thirty. Perhaps more
meaningfully, there seems to be no country that has first tried
inflation targeting and then abandoned it.
One apparent holdout is the
United States. While U.S. central bankers have often stressed the
paramount importance of controlling inflation, the United States
has never adopted a formal inflation target or an
inflation-targeting regime. The Federal Reserve operates under the
Federal Reserve Act, which requires the Fed to try to achieve
maximum employment along with price stability. But both in the
academic community and in the halls of the Congress, there are
advocates for change. In a series of articles and books, Bernanke,
Laubach, Mishkin, and Posen (1999) have proposed that the United
States adopt an explicit inflation-targeting regime. Senator
Connie Mack has introduced a bill to this effect in the Congress,
so far not adopted.
Recognizing that the question of
whether the United States should adopt inflation targeting is
ultimately a congressional prerogative, one could still ask the
normative question of whether the United States should go to
inflation targeting. The question is difficult to answer. While
inflation targeting seems to have been successful around the
world, the preconditions for success may not be relevant for this
country. Given the strong U.S. commitment to controlling
inflation, in the end there may be little difference between the
way monetary policy already is practiced in the United States and
the way it is practiced under the flexible, forward-looking
inflation- targeting regimes followed by many countries. Finally,
although one can find economic circumstances in which inflation
targeting will work well, it is also possible to imagine
circumstances in which even forward-looking, flexible inflation
targeting may not work so well, some of these circumstances from
the fairly recent past of the United States.
Basic Aspects of Inflation
Describing an inflation-targeting regime is straightforward. A
country or its central bank commits to controlling inflation, with
an explicit target rate and usually a tolerance band around this
target rate. Obvious price shocks such as indirect taxes,
commodity prices, or interest rates themselves are usually
excluded in the calculation of inflation targets. Many
inflation-targeting regimes permit flexibility for pursuing other
goals, such as output stabilization, though the primary commitment
of the central bank is clearly to control inflation. Given the
lags in monetary policy, many regimes also are forward-looking, in
the sense that the central bank operates not against current
inflation but expected inflation in the near future.
Three rationales normally are
given for the adoption of inflation-targeting regimes: The
provision of a nominal anchor for policy, transparency, and
credibility. A nominal anchor may be required if countries permit
their exchange rates to vary and if they do not target either the
growth of monetary quantities or nominal income. Governments or
their central banks may need such an anchor to stabilize
inflation, and they can generate the anchor by announcing an
inflation target and then doing what they must do to hit that
Such an approach would also lead
to more transparent monetary policies, as economic actors would
better understand the goals of monetary authorities. To the extent
that monetary authorities can hit their target, central banks
would also gain credibility, which many need after years of
inflation. The ideals of transparency and credibility certainly
have democratic value in their own right, but they may also pay
off in narrower economic terms. It is commonly argued that
inflationary expectations are a key aspect of the inflation
process. In lowering inflationary expectations, inflation
targeting can itself help reduce inflationary pressures.
One can also rationalize
inflation targeting through another form of economic reasoning.
Some years ago many believed, along with Milton Friedman, that
stabilizing the growth of the money supply would lead to stable
prices. But this approach is now generally discredited because
shocks in the demand for money and an unstable transmission
mechanism imply that stable growth of monetary aggregates could
lead to quite unstable behavior for prices and real incomes. The
next step was to follow Bennett McCallum (1988) and avoid
inappropriate responses to shocks in the demand for money by
having the central bank simply stabilize nominal income growth.
But again, if there were shocks in this nominal income growth, say
productivity shocks, stabilizing nominal income growth would not
necessarily stabilize prices. The same productivity shocks have
led to difficulties with the instrument rule proposed by John
Taylor (1993), which requires either a predictable rate of growth
of potential output or a predictable natural rate of unemployment.
As these other procedures for conducting monetary policy have run
into difficulty, academic economists have increasingly drifted to
the straightforward view of Bernanke, Laubach, Mishkin, Posen and
many others that, if central banks want to stabilize prices, they
should just do that by inflation targeting.
But the migration of academic
economists to inflation targeting is nothing compared with the
migration of actual real world countries to inflation targeting.
The earliest and still most elaborate procedures were adopted by
New Zealand, where the parliamentary government in 1990 began
negotiating inflation targets with its newly independent central
bank, making these targets public, and holding the bank
responsible for hitting the targets. Other regimes came later and
were less elaborate, but by now a great many countries have
regimes in which they publish inflation targets, have the central
bank commit to meeting these targets, and comment on the progress
in meeting the targets.
Because all central banks in the
world are responsible for controlling inflation, it is reasonable
to ask how explicit inflation-targeting regimes differ from
non-targeting regimes. From a legislative standpoint, the
differences seem reasonably clear. Inflation-targeting regimes
have explicit inflation targets, explicit commitments of the
central bank to meet these targets, and less formal commitments to
achieve other goals, such as output stabilization. But from a
practical standpoint, the differences could be much less distinct.
On one side, even non-targeting countries often will be strongly
committed to controlling inflation. On the other side, countries
that target inflation flexibly and in a forward-looking manner may
also strive to reduce output variability, perhaps because it helps
to stabilize future inflation. As will be discussed below, an
empirical analysis by Cecchetti and Ehrmann (1999) does not find
large differences in actual policy parameters between the two sets
of countries.
All existing inflation targets
around the world are for low, positive rates of inflation. For
developed countries with stable inflation rates, the world average
target rate of inflation is around 2 percent, with an acceptable
band that normally ranges from 1 to 3 percent. Target levels are
higher, but are promised to be stepped down gradually over time,
for emerging-market countries that are trying to bring inflation
down from very high levels.
There is academic interest in
targeting future price levels as opposed to inflation rates. The
two approaches differ mainly in their response to past errors: Is
the central bank to be held responsible for offsetting these past
errors and getting the price level back on track or just for
stabilizing inflation from this time forward? But in practice this
distinction may not be that important. King (1999) shows that, if
a long enough interval is given to hit the target, there may be
little difference between a price level target and an inflation
rate target. In any event, no country now targets the future price
However, there could be an
important difference between a target of a low positive rate of
inflation and one of a zero rate of inflation. Many potential
inflation targeters ask, "Why not zero?"
There are three reasons for
targeting for an inflation rate above zero. The first is
measurement bias. Try as they might, most countries do have some
bias in their price indexes. It is hard for governmental
statistical agencies to eliminate the measurement bias that occurs
whenever new and improved goods are introduced to consumers, and
new and improved goods are continually being introduced. It is
also hard to deal with substitution bias by updating the weights
on various consumer goods. Measurement bias is not huge around the
world, and it is coming down as statistical agencies adopt new and
improved statistical procedures. But there may still be some
irreducible upward bias in measuring inflation.
The second reason for shooting
at a rate of inflation slightly above zero is known as the zero
bound problem. If a country's real interest rates are close to
zero and its inflation rate is close to zero, its nominal interest
rates will also be close to zero. Since costs of holding cash are
minimal, a central bank cannot push nominal interest rates much
below zero. This means that countries that target for zero
inflation could get in the bind of being unable to ease monetary
policy in response to recessionary shocks. Today this issue is not
much of a problem around most of the world, but it has become a
significant problem in Japan. The balance of economic thought on
the issue is that, once a country gets into this zero bound
situation, it has a very difficult time getting out. This forms a
strong rationale for avoiding the danger in the first place, which
can be helped by targeting for a low positive rate of inflation.
The third reason for targeting a
low positive rate of inflation is labor market inefficiencies.
Akerlof, Dickens, and Perry (1996) argue that these can be
lessened with some positive inflation. Essentially, employers can
be spared the necessity of cutting workers' nominal wage when
these workers' productivity falls below their real wage. While
Akerlof, Dickens, and Perry make an empirical case for their
views, others find little evidence that labor markets become less
efficient when inflation drops to very low levels.
While economists are still
debating these issues, from a pragmatic standpoint many countries
do seem to be gravitating toward a consensus on how inflation
targeting should work. All inflation-targeting developed countries
target a low positive rate, and emerging-market countries aspire
to this kind of target. No country targets for deflation. Most
countries target inflation in a flexible and forward-looking
manner. Most countries have roughly similar policies toward
openness, commitment, and explanation. If whether the target
should be a low positive number or zero is all there is to argue
about, that disagreement certainly ranks low on the intensity
scale of policy disputes.
Theoretical Pros and Cons
From a theoretical perspective, one might think that inflation
targets would be most valuable to countries with a history of bad
inflation. These countries' central banks need credibility and
have two basic ways to get it. One is to peg their exchange rate
to some hard currency and essentially tie the hands of their
central bank. Currency boards, dollar pegs, and dollarization are
all examples of such policies. The second route is to adopt an
inflation target and to stick to it. If the prior inflation is
very bad, as it often is in emerging-market countries, these
targets might have to start at a high level and be worked
gradually down as the central bank brings inflation under control.
Although inflation targeting is
usually described as an antidote to past inflationary binges, it
has also been suggested as a cure to potential deflation. Krugman
(1998), for example, has argued that Japan, with nominal interest
rates stuck at their floor of zero, can lower real interest rates
and stimulate investment by having the Bank of Japan target a
positive rate of inflation and do what it can to hit that target.
Inflation-targeting regimes
might also work well when a country undergoes what is known as a
productivity shock. Suppose a wave of innovations makes
productivity rise, pushing up output and lowering unit labor
costs. For a time this shock might be reflected in higher-than-
trend rates of growth of output and lower-than-trend rates of
unemployment, making it difficult to rely on normal indicators of
demand and supply growth in the conduct of monetary policy. In
such circumstances, a cautious central bank might well just wait
for signs of inflation to emerge, thwart the inflation if it
occurs, and not rely as heavily on normal measures of aggregate
demand growth or labor market tightness. Such a central bank
would, in effect, be following an inflation- targeting regime.
Although liberals in general have been very critical of inflation
targeting (Galbraith, 1999), in this case inflation targeting
would lead to exactly the type of monetary policy they would
But in some cases, inflation
targeting might not work out so well. One case is plain old
recessions. Suppose there were a recessionary shock to aggregate
demand. Because inflation normally responds slowly to such shocks,
inflation targeters could respond in any of three ways. Strict
inflation targeters, sometimes snidely called inflation nutters,
might sit idly by and let the recession happen. Or, if inflation
fell below target ranges, some central banks might take steps to
boost inflation by expansionary monetary policy. They would
clearly do this if deflation threatened, but they might do it even
with low positive rates of inflation below target ranges.
The third possible response
involves flexible and forward-looking inflation targeting as is
actually practiced in most countries. Because inflation usually
responds slowly to output changes in recessions, flexible
inflation-targeting regimes would be free to ease policy to
stabilize output, much as would non-targeting central banks.
Forward-looking central banks could even act affirmatively against
recessions to prevent future inflation from falling below its
target range. Svensson (1999) argues that such a policy strategy
clearly outperforms other monetary regimes. But even here the
flexibility to be forward-looking and to pursue other goals is
less than a commitment of the central bank to try to stabilize
output or promote full employment. The exact importance of these
other objectives remains in question, even for flexible and
forward-looking inflation-targeting regimes.
Other instances in which
inflation targeting might not work so well are negative supply
shocks, such as most economies experienced in the mid-1970s when
oil prices exploded. In these times, inflation rises just as
output falls. The most flexible and competent central bank in the
world would be faced with a difficult dilemma in such
circumstances--forestall the recession by making inflation worse
or limit the inflation by making the recession worse. But at least
such a central bank would have a choice. In general, an
inflation-targeting central bank would not have much of a choice.
It would be forced to try to limit the inflation by contractionary
policies, hence making the recession worse. Even a flexible,
forward-looking inflation-targeting central bank would not have
much freedom in such a situation, because in the end the central
bank would be evaluated much more on its success in meeting
inflation targets than in meeting output growth targets.
Hence, inflation targeting does
not appear to solve all the problems central banks might face and
cannot be prescribed as a panacea. It still might be a reasonable
policy strategy for most purposes, and it still seems to be
generally the proper approach for dealing with histories of
inflation or deflation and, perhaps, with productivity shocks.
Actual Experience
Theoretical arguments aside, many countries have used inflation
targeting for most of the 1990s. Hence we can do more than
theorize: We can actually look at the inflation-targeting
experience in several countries and see how it has worked out.
Various authors have done this in two ways. They have compared a
country's post-inflation-targeting history with its
pre-inflation-targeting history, and they have compared outcomes
in inflation-targeting countries with those in non-targeting
The time series studies have
focused mainly on the three countries that have had the longest
experience with inflation targeting--New Zealand (adopted in
1990), Canada (1991), and the United Kingdom (1992). According to
the simple numbers, once these countries adopted inflation
targeting, actual inflation has fallen in each country, and
nominal interest rates have fallen, suggesting lower inflation
expectations. Real measures, such as the growth in output or
unemployment, have either shown little change or worsened only
slightly. Generally, unemployment rose as a country disinflated
and then returned to its former average level, but sometimes not
all the way there.
Looking behind these simple
numbers, a number of authors have done more sophisticated
econometric tests. Ammer and Freeman (1995) estimated VAR models
for real GDP, price levels, and real interest rates up to the
adoption of a targeting regime and then simulated these models
into the targeting era, comparing simulated values with actual
values. They found that inflation fell below predictions in all
three countries. Real GDP dipped down and then recovered in New
Zealand and the United Kingdom but dipped down and only partly
recovered in Canada.
A subsequent analysis by Freeman
and Willis (1995) focused more intensely on interest rates. The
authors noted that long-term nominal rates fell in all three
countries following the adoption of inflation targeting but then
came back up in the mid-1990s. The latter rises could either
indicate that inflation-targeting regimes became less credible or
simply reflect the fact that world interest rates were rising at
this time. Freeman and Willis worked out a model to disentangle
the two effects and put most of the explanation for rising
long-term nominal rates on the behavior of world interest rates,
hence suggesting that inflation-targeting regimes remained
A more recent set of authors
conducted similar tests. Mishkin and Posen (1997) noted that all
three inflation-targeting countries reduced inflation before
adopting a formal targeting regime. The achievement of inflation
targeting, then, was to lock in the gains of earlier fights to
stabilize prices. The authors also estimated VAR equations up to
the adoption of inflation targeting and simulated these equations
into the targeting period, now for six years. Just as in the
earlier analysis of Ammer and Freeman, this analysis suggested
that in all three countries the inflation targeting led to a drop
in inflation and nominal interest rates. In Canada, the rate of
growth of real GDP was down slightly; in the other two countries,
there was no change in the rate of growth of real GDP.
Similar results were found by
Kahn and Parrish (1998). Despite the fact that inflation had
dropped in all three countries before the adoption of inflation
targeting, these authors observed upward inflationary blips in New
Zealand and Canada; so perhaps the achievement of keeping
inflation under control should not be taken for granted. Their
results were buttressed by those of Kuttner and Posen (1999),
whose VAR regressions for the United Kingdom found that inflation
persistence was reduced by inflation targeting, as measured by
inflation itself and by nominal interest rates. In Canada, there
was no inflation persistence before or after inflation targeting
as measured by inflation rates, though again targeting reduced
inflation persistence as measured by nominal interest rates. In
New Zealand, the results were the opposite--targeting reduced
persistence as measured by inflation rates but seemed to increase
it slightly as measured by nominal interest rates.
The main cross-sectional study
of countries was done by Cecchetti and Ehrmann (1999). They noted
that the decade of the 1990s, when many countries went to
inflation targeting, was a good one for economic outcomes: Many
monetary regimes tried in this decade are likely to look good. In
their formal work, these authors fit VAR models for twenty-three
countries, nine inflation targeters and fourteen non-targeters.
From these models, they deduced policymakers' aversion to
inflation volatility. They found that inflation aversion rose in
countries that adopted inflation targeting but only to the level
of aversion already apparent in the policies of the non-targeting
countries. At this point, there is very little difference between
aversion to inflation in countries that target and countries that
do not target inflation.
Taken together, the basic data,
the time series tests, and the cross-section tests indicate that
inflation targeting has seemed to succeed. Inflation has dropped
materially in the three countries with the longest experience with
the regime, and all inflation-targeting countries are still
content with inflation targeting, in some cases eight to ten years
after its adoption. Measures of inflation persistence also have
dropped. A seeming weakness of inflation targeting is in its
response to unemployment, but at this time one can find little
evidence that unemployment has worsened in targeting countries. At
the same time, inflation targeting has been adopted in the 1990s,
a good decade for economic outcomes in most countries. It is
unclear how inflation targeting would look in more difficult
economic circumstances such as the 1970s.
Is Inflation Targeting Right
for the United States?
The hidden question in all this, of course, is whether the United
States should go to a regime of explicit inflation targeting. I am
not going to try to answer that question but will make several
First, the question of whether
the United States does or does not adopt a formal inflation
targeting regime is not up to the Federal Reserve. The Federal
Reserve Act now requires the Fed to strive for maximum employment
and balanced growth, along with price stability and moderate
long-term interest rates. Until the Congress changes these
guidelines, the Fed will continue to pursue these goals.
Second, the Federal Reserve is
strongly committed to controlling inflation, however formally this
goal is specified in the Fed's mandate. This can be seen from both
words and deeds. Countless official pronouncements and testimony
affirm the importance of controlling inflation. As for actions, at
least Cecchetti and Ehrmann find that the Fed's revealed inflation
aversion is now as high as that of the formal inflation-targeting
countries. Given this strong inflation aversion, ultimately there
may be little difference between informal inflation targeting as
practiced in the United States and flexible, forward-looking
inflation targeting as practiced in many other countries around
the world.
That said, one could still ask
the normative question of whether the United States should go to
what I will call a more formal system of inflation targeting. Such
a system would have pluses and minuses. One potential plus is in
credibility and transparency. Even if the present- day pragmatic
Fed responds to exogenous rises in the growth of aggregate supply
or drops in the non-inflationary rate of unemployment in a fully
accommodative manner, inflation targeting may better communicate
the strategy. For example, explicit inflation-targeting statements
may help to make it clear that the Fed is really fighting
inflation, not economic growth.
But there are also potential
disadvantages. Economic circumstances have been good in the 1990s,
when countries have gone over to inflation targeting, and it is
worth repeating that inflation targeting is no panacea. It may not
work well in the presence of negative supply shocks like those
experienced throughout the world in the 1970s.
Moreover, there is a potential
problem with inflation targeting even in good economic times. If
forecasting inflation is difficult, even forward-looking
inflation-targeting central banks may respond to inflationary
shocks too late to ward off inflation. Although there are several
ways to forecast inflation, none may be that reliable. On one
side, many analysts use econometric models, but these may have
intrinsic problems in periods of significant structural shifts.
The very nature of such shocks is that they are not easy to
predict or model. On the other side, one could imagine
constructing leading indicators of inflation, but the experience
until now is that not many of these are reliable either. One could
also rely on market expectations of inflation, survey evidence, or
other forecasts of inflation. But if models are not working well
and there are not many reliable leading indicators, it is not
clear how much information is contained in these other forecasts.
Without models or leading indicators, even forward-looking
inflation- targeting strategies may not work as well as
Inflation targeting has many things going for it. This strategy of
conducting monetary policy has been widely adopted around the
world, and it has seemed to be successful in lowering inflation
and perceptions of future inflation. It has a potential drawback
in ignoring explicit consideration of output gaps and
unemployment, but perhaps because it has been applied flexibly and
in a forward-looking manner, in fact it has not seemed to generate
more unemployment than other monetary regimes would have. It also
may not work as well in times of negative supply shocks, though
this point remains to be tested. For the United States, given the
strong aversion to inflation already apparent in policy responses,
there are various pros and cons, but it is not obvious that a more
formal regime of inflation targeting will lead to very great
differences in actual monetary policies.
Akerlof, George A., William T.
Dickens, and George L. Perry, "The Macroeconomics of Low
Inflation," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1,
Ammer, John, and Richard T.
Freeman, "Inflation Targeting in the 1990s: The Experiences
of New Zealand, Canada, and the United Kingdom," Journal
of Economics and Business, 47:165-192.
Bernanke, Ben S., Thomas Laubach,
Frederic S. Mishkin, and Adam S. Posen, Inflation Targeting:
Lessons from the International Experience, Princeton
University Press.
Cecchetti, Stephen G., and
Michael Ehrmann, "Does Inflation Targeting Increase Output
Volatility? An International Comparison of Policymakers'
Preferences and Outcomes," National Bureau of Economic
Research Working Paper #7426.
Freeman, Richard T., and
Jonathan L. Willis, "Targeting Inflation in the 1990s: Recent
Challenges," Federal Reserve Board International Finance
Discussion Paper #525.
Galbraith, James K, "The
Inflation Obsession: Flying in the Face of Facts," Foreign
Affairs, January-February, 78, 152-156.
Kahn, George A., and Klara
Parrish, "Conducting Monetary Policy with Inflation
Targets," Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Economic
Review, 3rd Quarter, 5-32.
King, Mervyn, "Challenges
for Monetary Policy: New and Old," New Challenges for
Monetary Policy, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City,
Krugman, Paul R., "It's
Baaack: Japan's Slump and the Return of the Liquidity Trap," Brookings
Papers on Economic Activity, 2:1998, 137-206.
Kuttner, Kenneth N., and Adam S.
Posen, "Does Talk Matter After All? Inflation Targeting and
Central Bank Behavior," New York Federal Reserve Bank, mimeo.
McCallum, Bennett T.,
"Robustness Properties of a Rule for Monetary Policy,"
Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 29,
Mishkin, Frederic S., and Adam
S. Posen, "Inflation Targeting: Lessons from Four
Countries," Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic
Policy Review, August, 9-110.
Svensson, Lars E. O., "How
Should Monetary Policy Be Conducted in an Era of Price
Stability?" New Challenges for Monetary Policy,
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, forthcoming.
Taylor, John B, "Discretion
versus Policy Rules in Practice," Carnegie-Rochester
Conference Series on Public Policy, 39, 195-214.