Prepared at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia based on information collected before
November 30, 1999. This document summarizes comments received from
businesses and other contacts outside the Federal Reserve and is
not a representation of the views of Federal Reserve officials.
Reports from most Federal
Reserve Districts indicated continued moderate to strong economic
growth in October and November. Growth was described as strong in
the New York, Richmond, Dallas, Minneapolis, and San Francisco
Districts, and moderate in the Boston, Philadelphia, and Atlanta
Districts. Further growth was reported in the Chicago District but
at a slower rate than earlier in the year. In the Cleveland, St.
Louis, and Kansas City Districts, business conditions were little
Consumer spending picked up over
the Thanksgiving weekend, after being hampered by warm weather
earlier in November. Manufacturing activity continued to advance
in most Districts. Commercial real estate markets remained strong
in most parts of the country. Home sales have slipped.
Agricultural conditions were mixed, and low prices persist for
grains and some other commodities. Oil and gas drilling has
increased. Bank lending has declined for residential mortgages but
risen for consumer loans. Lending to businesses has risen in some
Districts but declined in others.
Labor markets remain tight in
all Districts. The pace of wage and salary increases did not
appear to be accelerating generally, although there were some
reports of larger recent salary increases in some industries and
regions. Prices appear to be mostly steady at the retail level.
Reports from manufacturers have been mixed. Although prices of
industrial goods were reported to be mostly steady in a majority
of Districts, prices of some goods have been on the rise.
Consumer Spending
Retail sales slowed somewhat in most of the country in November
prior to the Thanksgiving holiday. Store executives said
warmer-than-normal weather in many regions resulted in slow sales
of winter clothing and other seasonal merchandise. Only Boston,
Richmond, and San Francisco reported strong sales continuing into
the month from October. However, sales picked up significantly in
most Districts over the Thanksgiving weekend, and retailers
expressed confidence that the brisker pace of sales will continue
throughout the holiday shopping period. In Districts where
merchants have made sales forecasts for the holidays, estimates of
gains for this year compared to last year range from 5 to 6
percent in Philadelphia, Cleveland, and St. Louis to over 6
percent in Minneapolis. Listed as top selling merchandise are
apparel (other than winter outerwear) and jewelry in Philadelphia,
Richmond, and St. Louis; consumer electronics in Boston and
Chicago; and furniture and home furnishings in Boston, New York,
St. Louis, and Kansas City.
Auto sales slipped in November
in Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, and Dallas.
Dealers in several of those Districts think the slowdown has been
seasonal and that car and truck buying will pick up in January.
Cleveland reported an increase in motor vehicle sales.
Manufacturing activity rose in November in most Districts and
capacity utilization was said to be high in St. Louis and Kansas
City. Continued growth was reported in Boston, New York,
Philadelphia, Cleveland, Richmond, Atlanta, St. Louis, and Kansas
City. In San Francisco and Dallas, growth accelerated. San
Francisco manufacturers attributed the pickup to reviving foreign
demand, and makers of telecommunications and computer equipment
provided much of the boost in Dallas. Manufacturers in Chicago and
Minneapolis indicated that production remained strong.
The advance in manufacturing
activity has been broad-based. Boston reported strong demand for
pharmaceuticals and instruments; Cleveland noted rising activity
among steel manufacturers; Richmond indicated rising output of
processed food products; and Atlanta and Dallas saw increases in
production of chemicals. Other products said to be growing in
demand were plastics and automotive parts (St. Louis) and
furniture (Boston and Richmond). Some sectors have lagged,
however. Output of industrial equipment was down in Boston and
Richmond, aerospace production slowed in Philadelphia and San
Francisco, and demand for textiles and apparel weakened in
Richmond and Atlanta.
Real Estate and Construction
Commercial real estate markets were described as strong in most
Districts, although there were some scattered indications of
slowing demand for office space. Office vacancy rates were moving
down in Boston and Philadelphia but rising in Atlanta and Dallas.
Nonresidential construction was on the rise in Cleveland and
Minneapolis, steady in Chicago and Richmond, and falling in
Philadelphia. In the San Francisco District construction was
described as robust in most markets except Oregon, Utah, and
Arizona, where activity was down and vacancies were rising.
Residential construction
activity was mixed around the nation, with more regions
experiencing slowdowns than increases. Reports of declining rates
of housing construction came from Philadelphia, Cleveland, St.
Louis, and Chicago, and New York indicated a sharp drop. The
Kansas City District reported continuing growth in homebuilding,
but contractors in the District expect a slowdown in coming
months. Several Districts said real estate agents noted declines
in existing home sales as mortgage interest rates rose, but some
agents also said sales had eased because fewer houses were being
put on the market.
Agricultural markets still exhibit low grain prices, although
there appears to be some improvement in foreign demand. San
Francisco reported improved exports of some agricultural
commodities, but low sales revenues for cotton, grains, and
vegetables. This year's harvests of corn, soybeans, and sorghum
exceeded last year's. Chicago and St. Louis noted that corn
harvests were so large that storage facilities in those Districts
have been inadequate.
Some agricultural commodities
have been disappointing. Richmond and St. Louis indicated that
cotton yields and quality declined compared with last year.
Recently planted winter wheat was said to be suffering from dry
soil conditions in the Cleveland, Chicago, and Dallas Districts,
and in parts of the St. Louis District. However, Kansas City
reported that winter wheat in that District was in good condition.
Low levels of soil moisture were also said to be adversely
affecting field conditions and forage generally in the Richmond,
Minneapolis, and Dallas Districts.
Natural Resource Industries
Oil drilling and production have increased with the rise in oil
prices. In the Minneapolis and Kansas City Districts, the increase
in oil drilling was strong, but Dallas reported only a slight
increase. Dallas reported greater gains in gas drilling. Metal
mining was said to be running at a steady pace in the Minneapolis
Financial Services and Credit
Bank lending was mixed across Districts as well as within
Districts. Growth in commercial and industrial loans was reported
in Richmond, Atlanta, Chicago, and Kansas City but St. Louis and
Dallas indicated recent slowdowns in borrowing by businesses.
Commercial and industrial loans were steady in New York and
Philadelphia. Mortgage lending for home purchases and refinancings
generally fell in November from October. Drops were recorded in
Philadelphia, Richmond, Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City,
and San Francisco. Dallas reported an increase. Consumer lending
remained on an upward trend in most Districts. New York indicated
slowing in all categories of lending except commercial and
industrial loans, and Cleveland reported declines in all
categories except auto loans.
Interest rate margins were said
to be tightening at commercial banks in the Cleveland and St.
Louis Districts. Bankers in the San Francisco District said
margins remained narrow. Credit standards have remained unchanged
in most Districts, although Cleveland bankers were imposing
stricter conditions for consumer loans and Chicago bankers
indicated that standards for commercial loans have been eased.
Consumer credit quality was reported to be improving in the New
York, Atlanta, and Chicago Districts. Dallas noted a rise in
commercial loan delinquencies.
Employment and Wages
Tight labor markets were reported in all Districts. Workers that
have been in especially high demand include high technology
workers in Boston and Atlanta, carpenters in Cleveland, skilled
workers in St. Louis, and entry level employees in a variety of
industries in Kansas City. Stores in Boston, Philadelphia,
Chicago, Minneapolis, and San Francisco said they were having
difficulty finding temporary workers for the holiday shopping
Wage increases were described as
persistent in most Districts. Reserve Banks received reports of
increases ranging from 3 to 10 percent on an annual basis.
Although the rate of increase did not appear to be accelerating
generally, there were some reports of higher recent salary
increases in some industries and regions. Richmond District
employers noted substantial wage increases recently. Atlanta noted
significant increases in compensation for health-care workers. The
use of signing bonuses has spread, according to reports from
several Districts.
Prices at the retail level have been nearly steady in most
Districts, but some moderate increases were noticed in Richmond
and San Francisco. Boston District retailers indicated that list
prices have been steady but price markdowns have become less
Reports from goods-producing
industries have been mixed. Boston and Richmond reported generally
flat prices during November in the manufacturing sector. New York
and Philadelphia reported increases. Other Districts indicated
mostly steady prices with some increases. Products for which price
increases were particularly notable included paper (Boston and
Atlanta), building materials (Atlanta, Minneapolis, Kansas City,
and Dallas), and chemicals (Kansas City and Dallas).
to top
First District - Boston
The First District economy
continues to expand at a moderate pace. Most contacts in the
retail and manufacturing sectors report rising revenues and steady
headcounts. While materials costs and vendor prices are generally
holding steady, wages are rising and some retailers,
manufacturers, and temporary employment firms are obtaining higher
selling prices.
Most retail contacts report strong growth in the mid to upper
single-digit range--meeting expectations for the fall period
(August through early November). While sellers of furniture,
consumer electronics, and general retail (both upscale and
discount) cite solid growth, a major exception is construction
supply retailers who say sales have been flat on a month-to-month
basis over the past four months.
Permanent employment is said to
be holding steady. Seasonal hiring has been difficult because of
tight labor markets, but for the most part these difficulties are
not impinging on retailers' operations. Retailers report that base
wages are increasing at a 4 to 7 percent rate, but
performance-based incentive plans are not generally being altered
in response to the tight labor market.
Both upscale and discount
general retailers report some increases in selling prices; while
list prices are holding steady, they are undertaking less
discounting than in the recent past. As a result, profit margins
are up in these sectors. Contacts selling furniture, by contrast,
say that prices, costs, and margins are holding steady.
Respondents report modest plans
for capital expansion over the next six months. Most contacts say
that the economy is currently very strong and they expect a
continuation of strong sales growth through the Christmas holiday
season. Looking beyond the holiday season, retailers are
cautiously optimistic, with some expecting consumer spending to
moderate in the first quarter of 2000.
Manufacturing and Related
Most First District manufacturing contacts report that recent
business is up, relative to a year ago. Revenue increases
typically are in the single digits, although makers of furniture,
pharmaceuticals, and specialty instruments report strong gains.
Manufacturers of industrial equipment, machine tools, and basic
electrical products are being hurt by sluggish demand and severe
A firm that produces automotive
parts and another that produces paper products report an upward
blip in business attributable to Y2K. However, a provider of
information systems says that customers in industries such as
finance and accounting are requesting deferral of major
installations until early 2000.
A majority of the manufacturers
contacted indicate that materials costs are flat; a few mention
having long-term contracts. Some others have experienced selective
increases but express little concern because they can pass them on
or offset them. By exception, a couple of firms making heavy use
of paper indicate negative impacts from continuing cost increases.
Many manufacturers indicate that their selling prices remain
unchanged. Some firms in the paper and publishing industries note
price increases, mostly modest. Makers of machinery and equipment
tend to report continuing downward pressures, prompting some to
give further consideration to shifting production to foreign
Most respondents report steady
headcounts. Many indicate that labor markets remain tight, with
some contacts noting increased pay pressures or production
constraints. For example, a couple of contacts indicate that
turnover has increased and salary pressures are rising as a result
of competition for employees on the part of Internet-related and
other start-up firms. Another expects to set up a foreign
operation for technical projects because of labor shortages
domestically. Reported health insurance cost increases for 2000
are mostly in the double digits, higher than in recent years.
About one-third of the
manufacturers contacted express optimism about revenue growth
prospects in 2000. The remaining firms are more cautious and
generally expect to face increasing challenges in controlling
costs. Several respondents indicate that consolidation on the part
of customers is likely to constrain prices and demand for their
Temporary Employment
First District temporary employment firms continue to expand at a
brisk pace. Overall revenues have increased between 10 and 20
percent from a year ago, and one firm cites over 50 percent growth
for the year. High tech workers, including e-business
professionals and Internet programmers, remain in high demand with
many companies looking to staffing firms to fulfill all their
permanent hire needs. On a year-over-year basis, wages have grown
5 to 10 percent on average and slightly more for technical
workers. Contacts report that bill rates are rising in line with
wages, yielding steady profit margins. Recognizing how difficult
it is to find workers in the tight labor market, clients are no
longer resisting price increases. Looking forward, staffing firms
in New England are optimistic; they expect a rise in
computer-related projects at the beginning of next year.
Commercial Real Estate
Commercial real estate markets in New England are largely
unchanged from last quarter. Boston is still very strong, with
office vacancy rates around 5 to 6 percent downtown and twice as
high in the suburbs. Retail and hotel markets in Boston are robust
as well. The Hartford market continues to lag. Hartford office
vacancy rates are three times as high as those in downtown Boston,
but contacts say they are dropping slightly and rental rates are
gradually rising. Other parts of New England are doing very well.
As in the past, southern New Hampshire and southern Maine are
closely linked to the Boston market. Burlington, Vermont, and
southern Connecticut are booming. Contacts do not anticipate major
changes before next spring.
Nonbank Financial
Continued restructuring in the insurance industry is resulting in
employment reductions at many companies. Some firms have lost jobs
by selling a line of business while others report staffing
reductions associated with the elimination of redundant positions
following the acquisition of a unit from another company. Sales
trends are mixed, with some companies reporting rising revenue and
others reporting revenue declines. Some contacts say that
competition has left little room for increases in premiums.
Respondents generally report
upcoming annual merit salary increases in the 3 to 4 percent
range. Information technology (IT) professionals remain in high
demand, and are generally expected to receive larger than average
merit increases or to benefit from special compensation programs.
However, insurers report some indications that pressures in the IT
labor market may be lessening. One contact notes that turnover
rates among IT workers have dropped, another reports no
compensation pressures for IT staff, and two others say they have
no trouble hiring IT workers.
to top
Second District - New
The Second District's economy
continues to expand at a fairly brisk pace. Price pressures
persist in manufacturing and real estate, but there are still no
signs of a general acceleration in consumer price inflation. Most
retailers report that November sales were well below plan for the
first three weeks of November but well above plan after
Thanksgiving. Pricing is said to be "very promotional"
but not much different than last year; similarly, with labor
shortages reported to be only slightly more severe than during
last year's holiday season, retail compensation is only moderately
higher than a year ago.
Housing markets in the region
remain tight--particularly in the New York City area, where
sluggish sales and surging prices are attributed to a shortage of
homes on the market. Still, new construction activity fell
markedly in both September and October--possibly hampered by labor
and land constraints. Regional purchasing managers report fairly
sturdy growth in manufacturing activity, along with increasingly
widespread input price increases. Banks report continued declines
in loan demand, a slight tightening in credit standards, and
further improvement in delinquency rates.
Consumer Spending
Most retailers indicate that sales were well below plan for the
first three weeks of November, but well above plan over
Thanksgiving weekend. For the month overall, sales were
mixed-compared to last November, changes in same-store sales
ranged from down 5 percent to up 6 percent. Virtually all
retailers indicate that sales of household merchandise--tableware,
appliances, floor coverings, furniture, etc.--were particularly
strong. On the other hand, apparel sales were uniformly sluggish,
partly due to unseasonably mild weather, though there was some
pickup toward the end of the month.
Merchandise prices and costs are
still reported to be essentially flat. A number of contacts
describe the current holiday season as "very
promotional," with heavier than normal discounting this early
in the season; however, most describe the current pricing
environment as similar to last year's. Retailers generally
indicate that compensation (wages and bonuses) for seasonal
workers has not increased significantly from a year ago; most
contacts indicate that workers are in short supply but that
staffing is not much more difficult than during last year's
holiday season.
Separately, an annual Conference
Board survey, conducted in November, indicates that the average
household in the Middle Atlantic region plans to spend moderately
less on holiday gifts than in last year's survey; roughly 15
percent of respondents plan to make at least one purchase over the
Construction and Real Estate
Despite tight housing markets, especially around New York City,
home construction has slowed sharply. Seasonally-adjusted housing
permits in New York and New Jersey fell more than 20 percent in
October, on top of a 12 percent drop in September, and were down
30 percent from a year earlier; the steepest declines were in the
multi-family sector. New Jersey's housing market is "a little
less frenetic than it has been, " according to an industry
expert, but still "tight as a drum." There are signs
that construction activity is being restrained by a scarcity of
both labor and usable land. With low inventories and long
construction lags, builders in northern New Jersey are now
reported to be doing some speculative building of houses in the
$500,000-and-over price range--an "atypical" practice.
In New York State, while
single-family existing home sales slipped below year-earlier
levels in October, the average selling price has risen 8 percent
over the past 12 months. Moreover, both the sharpest declines in
unit sales and the steepest increases in selling prices were
recorded in and around New York City. This is consistent with
ongoing complaints from realtors of plenty of buyers but not
enough sellers. Similarly, average selling prices for prime
Manhattan co-ops and condominiums are reported to be up 10-15
percent from a year ago, with the steepest gains on smaller units.
Similarly, a major Manhattan realtor reports a persistent shortage
of rental housing, with rents running 10-20 percent higher than a
year ago. Reports from other parts of the city suggest comparable
Other Business Activity
Purchasing managers report steady growth in manufacturing and
increasingly widespread price pressures. Buffalo-area purchasers
indicate that manufacturers' new orders strengthened in October,
while production activity moderated; they also report further
firming in commodity prices. Rochester-area manufacturers report
some improvement in general business conditions, following a slump
in September, along with increasing commodity price pressures.
More currently, purchasers in
the New York City area report some strengthening in business
activity in November--in both the manufacturing and
non-manufacturing sectors--along with persistent and broad-based
increases in input prices. They also report that fourth quarter
hiring intentions were the strongest since the inception of the
survey in 1994.
Manhattan hotel room rates and
occupancy rates rebounded in the third quarter (on a seasonally
adjusted basis), after slipping modestly in the second quarter.
Separately, labor markets remained fairly strong in October.
Private-sector job growth accelerated noticeably in New York but
slowed in New Jersey; both states registered slight declines in
unemployment in October.
Financial Developments
Demand for loans continued to weaken since the last report,
according to lenders at small to medium sized District banks.
Demand was weak in every category except commercial and industrial
loans, where it was steady. Refinancing activity continued to
decline, with almost half of respondents reporting decreases and
only 3 percent reporting increases. On the supply side, the vast
majority of bankers indicate that they left credit standards
unchanged, though a few continued to report some tightening.
Interest rates increased across the board on both loans and
deposits. Finally, delinquency rates continued to drop in all loan
sectors--most notably in commercial and industrial loans.
to top
Third District -
Business activity in the Third
District moved up, on balance, in November, although in some
sectors of the regional economy growth has slowed. Manufacturers
posted gains in shipments and new orders. Retail sales remained on
an upward trend, and most stores reported solid year-over-year
gains for the Thanksgiving weekend. Auto sales were steady during
November. Bank lending has been flat as increases in consumer
credit have been offset by decreases in real estate lending and
business loan volume has been level. Residential and
nonresidential construction have been easing recently, but real
estate agents indicated that sales of existing homes have been
steady. Employment continued to grow in the region, and firms in
nearly all industries have reported difficulty in meeting their
needs for workers. Staffing of stores for the Christmas shopping
period was described as especially problematic.
Looking ahead, business contacts
in the District have mixed views, although some step-up in
activity is expected overall. Manufacturers forecast increases in
shipments and orders. Retailers expect sales for the holiday
shopping period to exceed last year's level, and auto dealers
anticipate an upturn in car and truck sales after the turn of the
year. Bankers expect lending to strengthen next year as well.
Construction activity may slip further, according to builders,
especially for commercial office buildings, but public
construction is expected to remain strong.
Manufacturing activity in the Third District continued on an
upward trend in November. On balance, industrial firms reported
increases in shipments and orders during the month. Gains were
common among nearly all the major goods-producing sectors in the
region. Producers of construction materials indicated that
spending for transportation infrastructure throughout the nation
was prompting demand for their products, but some equipment makers
reported drops in sales as a result of declining activity in the
aerospace industry. Order backlogs at plants in the region have
been steady, overall.
Manufacturers' inventories of
raw materials and supplies rose slightly in November. A few firms
indicated they had ordered increased quantities of critical inputs
to ensure continued operation in the event of supply interruptions
related to possible Y2K problems. Besides the firms that have
already added to inventories, other firms indicated that they plan
to boost inventories closer to the end of the year. For firms that
have already added to inventories and those that plan to, the
increased amounts represent around one week's supply of those
Third District manufacturers
generally expect growth to continue at about its current pace
during the next six months. Although some firms forecast increases
in their order backlogs, most expect to be able to meet rising
demand for their products without delays in filling orders.
Expectations of price increases persist. Nearly half of the firms
surveyed in November anticipate paying higher prices for inputs in
the next six months, and one-fourth plan to raise prices for the
products they make.
Third District merchants reported continued sales growth in
November, although some stores had lower year-over-year gains for
the month than they had in October. Store executives said warmer
than usual weather in November damped sales of outerwear. Some
stores were making early price reductions to boost sales, but most
stores were maintaining their planned promotion schedules.
Inventories were generally described as in line with plans,
although some retailers said their supplies of merchandise were a
bit below desired levels. Sales picked up over the Thanksgiving
weekend, and merchants generally indicated they were on track to
post year-over-year increases of around 5 percent, in current
dollars, for the holidays. Toys, recorded music, jewelry, and
apparel other than winter coats were the best-selling items as the
Christmas shopping period began.
Auto dealers said sales have
slowed recently but remain well above last year's pace. The
slowdown is seasonal, according to the dealers; they expect a
pickup after the year-end holidays. Inventories were said to be in
line with sales, overall, but manufacturers have boosted rebates
to step up sales of leftover 1999 models.
Loan volume outstanding at Third District banks remained level
during November, according to reports from commercial bank lending
officers. Some banks posted modest increases in consumer lending,
mainly home equity and auto loans, but residential real estate
lending eased generally at area banks. Commercial and industrial
loan volume has been virtually flat, on balance, at banks in the
region. Several bank lending officers said they believe many
business borrowers arranged bank financing earlier than usual this
year in order to avoid any delays that might occur if Y2K problems
materialize. Bankers expect loan demand to pick up in January, but
they do not forecast a strong increase.
Real Estate and Construction
Commercial real estate markets remain firm in the District,
although construction activity has eased. Real estate contacts
reported a slight drop in commercial office vacancy rates in the
region; they estimate the current rate for the Philadelphia
metropolitan area at 10 percent for Class A buildings, about 2
percentage points below the year-ago rate. Rental rates have risen
since the beginning of the year, but appeared to be leveling off.
Commercial real estate brokers said sales and leasing activity has
been strong. Construction of office buildings has slowed, and a
further decline is expected in the year ahead. According to
commercial brokers, recent increases in new space and renting of
subleased space have brought supply and demand into balance.
Public construction of buildings and roads continues at a high
rate, and some real estate contacts said construction of
industrial buildings was on the increase.
Residential real estate agents
generally indicated that the pace of existing home sales was
steady in November and above the rate set in November last year.
Sales of new homes appeared to have eased. Builders continued to
report that labor shortages were causing delays in construction
even at the slower sales rate. Price increases, for both new and
existing homes were slowing, according to realtors and builders.
to top
Fourth District -
No major changes in District
business conditions have been observed since the last report.
Spending and production remain strong, and labor markets are
tight. Wages are still rising a bit faster than they did during
the first half of the year, but retail prices are holding steady.
No significant Y2K concerns were identified.
District employment agencies
reported continued high demand for temporary workers, and
increasingly, firms are retaining these workers on a permanent
basis. Contacts also reported strong seasonal demands for workers
in customer service, production, warehousing, and distribution.
Demand for seasonal help is expected to surpass last year's record
levels. Although our contacts continue to express difficulty
finding and retaining qualified workers, none reported an
acceleration in wages from the last District report.
Union sources indicated that
wage growth is edging higher in many industries (averaging just
slightly above 3 � percent relative to a year ago). Similarly,
contacts reported significant improvements in pension benefits,
which they linked to the strong performance of U.S. equity
markets. Modest gains have also been made in the provision of job
security for a variety of industries. These have typically taken
the form of no-layoff clauses, retraining for displaced workers,
and outsourcing restrictions.
Building activity in the District is still strong overall, as a
rise in commercial building has largely offset a moderation in
residential construction activity. Residential sales continue to
slow, a trend that began in September. One residential builder
reported that sales volume for the third quarter was down as much
as 15 percent from the same period last year. That pattern is
thought to have continued this quarter, and projections for the
fourth quarter are 20 percent to 30 percent below a year ago.
Still, relative to longer-term trends, the current pace of new
home sales is thought to be somewhat high.
Commercial builders reported
improving conditions. The construction and renovation of office
space remains strong, while demand for warehouse and manufacturing
space has improved markedly. Commercial builders also reported an
easing in materials' cost pressures. This development has helped
to improve profit margins, which had been under pressure earlier
because of softening sales volume and rising material and labor
Framers and carpenters remain
difficult to find in the District. Lumber and drywall also remain
scarce, though less so than during the summer. Despite the
exceptionally tight markets for labor and materials, contractors
estimate 1999 cost increases of only 3 percent to 5 percent.
The combination of below-average harvests resulting from the
summer drought and low crop prices has resulted in substantial
losses for many Fourth District farmers. More farmers than usual
are rolling over this year's operating loans until next year. In
southern Ohio, where the drought was worst, many farmers will
enter the 2000 season in financial distress.
In northwestern Ohio, dry soil
continues to be a problem for wheat farmers, and there is concern
about the condition of pasturelands. Many contacts in southern
Ohio and Pennsylvania are growing uneasy about low water tables,
as the planting season approaches.
Kentucky's tobacco crop is
predicted to be about 10 percent below last year's levels, with
the same number of acres harvested. Also, recent warm weather has
been detrimental to the curing of tobacco. Kentucky tobacco
farmers, however, will see some relief this year as they receive
settlement checks from the tobacco companies in the latter part of
Crop prices remain depressed,
and in the last few weeks, milk prices have dropped precipitously
(by about 25 percent to 30 percent). Previously, dairy farmers had
been among the few farmers not under pressure from low prices.
Industrial Activity
Industrial activity in the District is good and still improving,
following a mid-summer slowdown. Heavy-truck orders have come down
somewhat in the past month or so, a development that one industry
analyst has tied to a glut in the used-truck market. October
orders were at the lowest level in three years. A major auto
supplier indicated continued good orders and production numbers in
October. Construction equipment manufacturing is holding steady at
a somewhat low level, although a rise in export orders has been
seen. Agricultural equipment orders have also seen an uptick
The demand for steel in the
Fourth District remains strong. As a result, steel production has
picked up, and steel inventories have fallen to levels that are
now considered about normal. Prices are on the rise across all
products although most product prices are still well below the
levels of last year. While conditions appear to be improving in
this industry, District steelmakers generally reported poor third
quarter earnings.
Consumer Spending
The fast-paced growth of retail sales slowed somewhat in October,
but most retailers still reported that sales remained quite high
and that growth had come down from phenomenal increases to merely
very strong increases. The modest slowing in October might be
associated with unusually mild weather in the Fourth District that
damped demand for seasonal items such as apparel.
Retailers hold optimistic
expectations for the Christmas season. Sales projections for the
season call for gains of between 5 percent and 6 percent over last
year's strong numbers. Although information at this point is still
very preliminary, retailers contacted in the days following the
Thanksgiving holiday reported better-than-expected sales numbers.
Inventories are low for most retailers, and that has increased
profits. However, retail prices remain flat.
Sales of new vehicles appear to
have returned to a record pace after a slight October slowdown.
Most dealers report sales were up 5 percent to 15 percent over
this time last year, and year-to-date sales of new vehicles are
running 5 percent to 45 percent above a year ago. Consumer demand
for light trucks is especially strong, and some District dealers
are worried that their inventory positions for new trucks are
insufficient to meet continued strong demand.
Banking and Finance
Lending activity in the District is generally down. On the supply
side, some banks are reporting that it is very difficult to
attract deposits as customers increasingly rely on equity markets
as a place to put savings. The result has been a rise in the
loan-to-deposit ratio at District banks. Moreover, credit
standards are thought to have tightened a bit in response to
somewhat elevated consumer-debt loads.
Loan demand has softened in
response to rate increases. One exception is automobile finance,
where discount-loans have generated extremely strong demand for
credit. The rate of loan delinquencies is holding at a low level
for all borrowing categories, and credit quality is thought to be
relatively high. Still, the spread between borrowing and lending
rates is narrowing (in accordance with the observed long-term
trend), and competition for borrowers is stiff.
to top
Fifth District -
The Fifth District economy
continued to advance at a solid pace in the weeks since our last
report. District retailers reported stronger sales gains in both
October and November and they anticipate an excellent holiday
sales season. Manufacturers indicated that their new orders and
shipments grew faster in recent weeks, while services providers
recorded modest increases in revenues and stable employment. At
financial institutions, commercial lending continued strong, but
residential mortgage lending slowed further. Real estate activity
grew somewhat more slowly, with the level of construction and
commercial leasing remaining high. In labor markets, employment
growth remained modest. Wage growth picked up in the services
sector and remained high in retail, but price increases continued
to be moderate in both sectors. In agriculture, harvesting was
wrapping up and yields for most crops were fair to good.
District retailers reported stronger sales growth in late October
and November and looked for a further pickup through the holiday
season. Customer traffic was brisk in recent weeks. Moreover, a
department store manager's assessment that "everyone was a
buyer" summed up the assessment of many retailers. Big-ticket
sales led the way in October but not in November; gift shoppers
turned their attention to apparel and jewelry in more recent
weeks. Retailers' inventories increased well above the normal
amount in November as store managers stocked up for the holidays.
Retail prices rose at a moderate rate in recent weeks and were
expected to continue to rise only moderately in coming months.
Revenues expanded modestly in the services sector since our last
report, but within the sector, growth by industry was mixed.
Contacts at health services, public utilities, and information
technology firms reported that their revenues grew more quickly,
while commissions at real estate and insurance firms were said to
be little changed compared to last month. District airports and
hotels were gearing up for strong holiday and vacation travel over
the next few months--including travel on New Year's Day. Many
airlines are offering lower fares on days around the beginning of
the new year, and despite potential Y2K concerns, most expect a
good customer response.
Manufacturing growth nudged higher in November. Shipments and new
orders increased substantially in most goods-producing industries,
particularly at food, tobacco, and furniture manufacturers. In
contrast, textile and apparel manufacturers and industrial
machinery producers continued to record sluggish sales. Although
many textile manufacturers continued to attribute sluggish sales
to weak demand, a textile producer in South Carolina said that his
shipments fell in part because of an inability to secure skilled
labor. The average manufacturing workweek rose in November after
falling in October and employment rose. However, manufacturers in
a few sectors, including industrial machinery and electronic
equipment, continued to trim their workforces. A manager at an
industrial equipment manufacturer in West Virginia attributed
layoffs at his company to uncertainty surrounding the near-term
future of coal mining. Turning to prices, both raw materials and
finished goods prices were little changed since our last report.
District loan officers said that commercial loan demand remained
strong in late October and November, while the demand for home
mortgages slipped further. Generally strong overall business
activity and vibrant commercial real estate markets were cited as
factors contributing to solid commercial lending growth in the
District. Residential mortgage lending, however, continued to be
slowed by higher mortgage rates and, in a few cases, a dip in
consumer optimism. A mortgage lender in Greenville, S.C., noted
that the current debt loads were high for many borrowers and he
suggested that mortgage lending may be slowing simply because
"people don't want to go further into debt." Mortgage
lenders indicated that they are scrambling for customers; in the
words of a Richmond, Va., lender, his firm was "doing
everything we can to make sure we aren't overlooking someone to
lend to."
Real Estate
While residential real estate activity in the District was still
generally reported to be strong in recent weeks, there were
scattered signs of slowing growth. A Charlotte, N.C., realtor
reported that customer interest in purchasing new homes had tailed
off somewhat while real estate agents in several other North
Carolina markets said that building permits in their areas were
lower than a year ago. Realtors in Raleigh, N.C., however,
continued to see lively sales, and in Rocky Mount, real estate
sales rebounded after slowing earlier in the fall because of
extensive flooding in the region. Virginia's real estate markets
were mixed: realtors in Northern Virginia and Richmond
characterized markets as strong, but some weakness was reported in
the Tidewater area. In the District of Columbia, condos and co-ops
were selling "exceptionally well--better than ever,"
according to one realtor, as young people increasingly moved into
the city. In booming areas such as Frederick, Md., organizations
serving low-income individuals expressed concern that housing
price increases were outstripping improved income prospects,
making housing less affordable for the poor.
Commercial real estate activity
in the Fifth District was reported to be little changed in recent
weeks. Realtors characterized commercial construction as
"flat" in Virginia and the District of Columbia. One
contact in D.C. told us he had seen a softening in construction by
"big box retailers," and speculated that the chains may
be feeling the pinch of competitors' expanding Internet sales. In
Raleigh, N.C., however, there was a pick up in new commercial
building activity, most of which was pre-leased. In Charleston,
W.V., the commercial market has cooled; some Class A buildings
planned there have not been built because they could not be
Tourist activity was strong in most areas of the District in
November, but remained sluggish along coastal areas. Business at
mountain resorts increased notably; at a ski resort in Virginia,
for example, the manager noted that sales of time-shares were up
ten percent compared to a year ago. The pace of activity along the
coast, however, was visibly slower as cautious travelers
apparently remained concerned that accommodations were still
affected in the aftermath of several hurricanes earlier this fall.
A contact on the Outer Banks of North Carolina said that group
bookings were down substantially--in part because of vacationers'
concerns about water quality in the region.
Labor Markets
District employers reported substantial wage increases in recent
weeks, but they noted that employment in most sectors rose only
modestly. In retail, seasonally adjusted employment growth was
flat in November because many seasonal employees were brought on
board in September and October as many stores pushed their hiring
forward. In recent weeks, wages rose at a quicker pace as some
retailers scrambled for the remaining seasonal workers. Employment
in the services sector was little changed but firms indicated
strong wage growth was necessary to attract and retain workers. An
owner of a small office janitorial business in North Carolina said
he was forced to increase wages because, "It's getting harder
and harder to muster interest in our job listings. Everyone wants
to work for a big multinational or a 'tech' startup."
District manufacturers reported a modest increase in both wages
and employment. Temporary employment agents also said that firms
offered substantially higher wages in recent weeks, particularly
for computer savvy workers. Even among agencies dealing with
welfare-to-work workers, job opportunities were characterized as
plentiful for all but the least skilled.
Fair weather across most of the region enabled District farmers to
make good progress harvesting crops in recent weeks. The peanut
harvest was delayed in some areas because of flooded fields, but
activity is now complete in Virginia and drawing to a close in the
Carolinas. Good peanut yields were reported in Virginia, but
yields were well below average in North Carolina. Cotton yields
were also down in the Carolinas because of flooding earlier in the
growing season. Despite ample rain in the eastern areas of the
District, dry conditions persist in West Virginia; pastures are in
poor condition in much of the state and wells are drying up in
some counties.
to top
Sixth District - Atlanta
Reports from contacts throughout
the Southeast indicate that the District economy continues to
expand at a moderate pace. Retail sales continue to be mixed,
although Thanksgiving weekend sales were generally good. The
outlook for the tourism and hospitality sector remains upbeat.
Single-family construction and new home sales have been flat, and
the pace of District nonresidential construction is slightly ahead
of a year ago but varied across the different states in the
District. Overall loan demand and funds availability continue to
expand at a moderate rate. While factory production has recently
increased, the near-term outlook is a little less positive than
before. With only a few exceptions, contacts again expect mostly
stable prices for inputs and outputs. Even as tight labor markets
continue to adversely impact parts of the District, reports of
increasing wage pressures remain infrequent.
Consumer Spending
Sales around the District continue to be mixed during October and
early November, although reports indicate that results improved
slightly during early November. Most retailers said that recent
sales have met their expectations; however, several merchants
noted that unusually warm weather has slowed apparel sales. Most
retailers continue to expect a slight increase in sales during the
fourth quarter compared with last year. Preliminary reports from
around the District suggest the Christmas season is off to a
strong start.
The pace of single-family construction and new home sales in early
November has been similar to October. Most District builders
report that construction has been flat to slightly down compared
with a year ago, while new home sales have declined somewhat from
last year's record highs. Also, a majority of District Realtors
report that home sales in October and early November have been
down from last year's strong levels. The majority of both builders
and Realtors report that inventories are balanced; however, there
are more reports of imbalances.
The pace of District
nonresidential construction is slightly ahead of a year ago but
varied across the states in the District. Contacts in Florida
report that while growth remains positive, activity has slowed. In
Georgia, construction growth is characterized as steady as the
Atlanta market experiences rising industrial and office vacancy
rates. For the year, construction activity remains below year-ago
levels in Alabama and Louisiana but picked up some during the
third quarter. Industrial development is taking up the slack in
the Tennessee commercial market as tight market conditions
continue, although the office market has slowed.
Factory production has recently increased, according to most
contacts. However, the near-term outlook is a little less positive
than before. Suppliers to the auto industry continue to expand or
build new plants in the District in spite of concerns from some
contacts about overcapacity. A number of chemical plants in
Louisiana are expanding. The region's high-tech sector continues
to grow aided by new U.S. Department of Defense contracts. Reports
from the textile and apparel industry, however, are downbeat with
news of declining employment rolls, decreasing factory workweeks,
and plant closures as production is moved offshore. Apparel
employment in Georgia, for example, is down by 3,500 workers (over
11 percent) from a year ago. A large lumber producer notes a
slowdown in production, which he attributes to housing market
declines. Some manufacturers are reportedly adjusting inventories
down and are delaying purchases and expansions until the "New
Year" because of Y2K concerns.
Tourism and Business Travel
The outlook for the tourism and hospitality sector remains upbeat.
Seasonal visitors are reportedly arriving earlier than usual and
in greater numbers to south Florida. The world's largest cruise
ship terminal was recently dedicated in Miami, built to
accommodate the largest cruise ship, the 142,000-ton Voyager of
the Seas.
A decline in hotel and motel
occupancy rates in theme park dominated Orlando is mostly
attributed to a surge of new rooms coming on line rather than
falling demand. Passenger traffic through Orlando International
Airport is above that of a year ago, especially for international
visitors. The recent opening of Harrah's huge land-based casino in
New Orleans is expected to draw more visitors to the city.
Financial contacts report that overall loan demand and funds
availability continue to expand at a moderate rate throughout the
Sixth District. Consumer and automobile loan demand remain strong,
and commercial loan activity is healthy. Mortgage and refinancing
loan demand are subdued, while credit quality is good and
bankruptcies have continued to gradually decline.
Wages and Prices
Tight labor markets continue to adversely impact parts of the
District. Reports of increasing wage pressures, however, are
infrequent. Some contacts say that they are still striving for
efficiencies and reducing labor costs by installing labor saving
devices, while others report that discretionary projects are being
postponed until the year 2000. One firm reports that they are
adjusting to increasing costs of hiring skilled workers by hiring
less-experienced workers and utilizing apprentice-style training
while on the job. Firms have reportedly been forced to find new
ways to find qualified employees, such as looking for able-bodied
retirees, and issuing signing bonuses and cash awards for current
employees who find new employees. In addition to the long-standing
trend for high-tech workers, wages for health-care workers are
reportedly increasing significantly.
Contacts again expect mostly
stable prices for inputs or outputs, with only a few exceptions. A
plastic manufacturer sees significant price increases in his crude
oil based raw materials. A paper producer notes
"improving" prices. Another contact mentions that a
continuing shortage of building materials is driving up prices of
drywall and brick. More reports indicate increasing pharmaceutical
to top
Seventh District -
The Seventh District's economy
remained strong in October and early November but was expanding
more slowly than earlier in the year. Reports on consumer spending
were mixed, with contacts noting strong sales growth for the first
weekend of the holiday shopping season. Construction activity
generally was strong, despite softening on the residential side.
Overall manufacturing output remained strong, but conditions were
varied across industry segments. Lenders reported conditions
similar to those noted in our last report, and contacts reported
no signs of Y2K-related surges in inventory borrowing or cash
demand. The District's labor markets remained much tighter than
the rest of the nation and seasonal demand put additional strain
on some sectors of the market. The fall harvest was complete, as
was the planting of winter wheat. A survey of agricultural bankers
indicated that slow farm loan repayments continued to be a
Consumer Spending
Reports on consumer spending activity were mixed. Prior to the
Thanksgiving weekend, sales were well below most merchants'
expectations. However, several District retailers reported
double-digit sales gains from a year ago for the Thanksgiving
weekend and most merchants expected a strong holiday sales season.
Most retailers contacted cited unusually warm weather as
contributing to lackluster pre-Thanksgiving sales results,
especially for cold weather apparel. By contrast, sales of
appliances, electronics, and lawn and garden goods had continued
to be strong. Retailers reported that inventories for most goods
were in line with their planned levels, but inventories of winter
merchandise were high. They also noted that they had not changed
their promotional activity from a year earlier. Auto dealers
reported that lighter floor traffic and a slowdown in light
vehicle sales continued through October and into mid-November. One
large District auto group noted that service activity was also
down and that used car prices weakened considerably.
Construction and Real Estate
Similar to our last report, overall real estate and construction
activity was robust, but softer than earlier in the year. Demand
for both new and existing homes continued to ease in October and
early November, but most contacts described the market as strong.
Those realtors contacted indicated that sales in October and early
November were down about 10 percent from very strong results a
year earlier. Homebuilders' reports appeared to be more positive
than realtors' reports, with most contacts indicating new home
sales were unchanged or down slightly. Conditions in the
nonresidential sector remained strong and steady for the most
part, according to contacts. Development of light industrial space
was steady to down slightly, as was the development of
infrastructure projects. A report from one of the District's
largest metro areas suggested that a few large office projects
that have recently broken ground might be the last of the current
downtown office expansion. Some contractors noted that many
customers have changed strategies, preferring to hire the
contractor viewed as most likely to complete the job on schedule
rather than going with the low bidder.
The manufacturing sector generally remained strong although
activity varied by industry segment. According to most automakers,
orders for light vehicles remained strong nationwide. Inventories
were generally in good shape, although they were reportedly lean
for select models. Despite these conditions, the pricing
environment remained soft with an increase in incentive spending
noted by some contacts. Producers of agricultural and heavy
construction equipment reported further softening in output in
recent weeks, and most planned to reduce inventories further next
year, although not as aggressively as this year. Contacts expected
domestic demand would be relatively soft in the coming year while
foreign demand was expected to pick up. Wallboard producers
indicated that demand remained very strong and factories continued
to run near capacity. With new capacity coming on stream, however,
price increases were expected to moderate in the coming months. A
large manufacturer of telecommunications equipment noted that
orders continued to recover from weak sales early in the year, due
in large part to strengthening demand in Asian markets.
Banking and Finance
Lending activity continued to be mixed in October and early
November. Business lending remained robust and most bankers
suggested that growth was steady. A few contacts indicated that
overall asset quality on commercial loans might have deteriorated
slightly, as intense competition for customers led some lenders to
relax standards slightly. Some bankers appeared to be less
optimistic about the near-term commercial lending outlook than
they had been in recent months. Household loan demand softened
further, according to most lenders, as new mortgage and
refinancing activity continued to slow. Contacts noted that asset
quality on consumer loans improved as existing bank and store
credit card balances were paid down, delinquencies slowed, and
personal bankruptcies decreased. A contact at one large money
center bank attributed this improvement to a lagged effect from
strong refinancing activity earlier in the year and, as a result,
did not expect the improvement to endure. None of the bankers
contacted noted any unusual borrowing by businesses that would
indicate an inventory buildup ahead of the year 2000 rollover, nor
was there any noticeable increase in the demand for cash by
Labor Markets
Labor markets in the District remained very tight in October and
early November, and worker shortages appeared to intensify as the
holiday hiring season began. Retailers and others who increase
hiring for the holidays were finding it particularly difficult to
staff positions this year. According to one contact, many
traditional seasonal workers (such as students, homemakers, etc.)
were already employed elsewhere, either part- or full-time, as a
result of overall strength in the economy. Some retailers
reportedly have gone to extraordinary lengths to attract seasonal
hires by offering, among other things, increased wages, steeper
in-store discounts, and even tuition reimbursement for part-time
workers. Demand for workers in most other sectors remained strong
as well. Temporary help firms in some metro areas reported
increasing demand for manufacturing workers, while there were a
few reports of slackening demand for financial services
professionals, partly as a result of slowing mortgage
applications. On balance, contacts suggested that overall wage
pressures had not intensified further in recent weeks. Staffing
services contacts indicated that wages were increasing fastest in
the administrative/clerical occupations while a slowdown in wage
growth was noted for information technology professionals. A
contact at a large District trucking firm noted the continued
shortage of drivers is especially serious during the current high
seasonal demand for transporting goods. Most contacts continued to
argue that worker shortages were hampering the economic expansion.
The fall corn and soybean harvest was essentially complete in
District states. Storage space for corn and soybeans was reported
to be tight in some areas, due to strong yields and a quick
harvest pace that caused grain deliveries to bunch up at
elevators. Winter wheat planting was finished and most of the crop
had emerged, but its condition had deteriorated in some areas due
to dry weather. A survey of agricultural bankers indicated that
farmland values were steady to weak during the third quarter in
Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa, but rose in Michigan and Wisconsin.
Bankers also indicated that slow farm loan repayments continued to
be a problem, and a majority believed there will be an increase in
the incidence of financially stressed farmers selling assets
during the fall and winter.
to top
Eighth District - St.
The District economy continues
to operate at a high level. While there has been a reported
pick-up in sales and production at manufacturers, some signs of
moderate slowing in other sectors have been detected. Retail sales
growth was below expectations in many instances, causing
inventories to rise; warm weather was an oft-cited reason. Slowing
in residential real estate markets is becoming more apparent as
both sales and new construction taper off. While credit standards
for all loan categories have remained unchanged, demand for
C&I and residential real estate loans has dropped. Unusually
warm and dry weather has hampered the germination and growth of
the winter wheat crop.
Consumer Spending
District retailers report that sales in October and November were
up on average between 2 and 3 percent compared with one year
earlier. Nearly half reported that sales growth was below
expectations and that, consequently, inventories exceeded desired
levels. Home furnishings, women's apparel, and jewelry were strong
sellers, while sales of electronics, appliances and other
big-ticket items were flat. A warmer-than-usual fall caused sales
of heavy coats, boots and other winter items to be weak. Retailers
are optimistic about the holiday season, however, anticipating
sales increases of between 5 and 6 percent.
Many District auto dealers
report that sales have been down significantly (in some cases, by
more than 10 percent) compared with the same period one year
earlier. Pickup trucks and sport-utility vehicles remain the
consumers' vehicles of choice. Several contacts have increased the
sizes of rebates both to clear out last year's models and to help
move current inventory. Almost all dealers report that inventories
are at desired levels, although some truck inventories are still
low. Contacts are optimistic about year-end sales. A few dealers,
however, anticipate a slow start in 2000.
Manufacturing and Other
Business Activity
Most District contacts report that sales and production have
picked up over the past few weeks, with many plants producing at
or near capacity. Several contacts, however, continue to report
unmet product demand because of the ongoing shortage of qualified
workers. In many cases, firms are still relying on out-of-town
workers to fill positions. Persistent upward wage pressures,
especially for skilled workers (such as electricians, mechanics,
and carpenters) have resulted in wage increases of between 5 and
10 percent.
Robust sales growth has been
reported for medical supplies, plastics and automotive parts. A
recent uptick in the demand for appliances has also been noted.
The trucking services industry is continuing its trend of strong
growth. Toyota announced that it will hire another 500 workers at
its Indiana plant to help meet the ongoing robust demand for
pickups and sport-utility vehicles. Sales at farm-equipment
dealers, however, have been mixed. While one dealer reported
exceptional sales due to pent-up demand, another saw sales decline
more than 35 percent from one year ago.
Real Estate and Construction
Most areas in the District, especially Memphis and Louisville,
have seen a slowdown in home sales over the past four weeks, with
many real estate agents experiencing a noticeable decline in the
number of appointments to show homes. Accordingly, housing
inventories have recently ticked up. Sales are also off from their
year-earlier pace. Nevertheless, many agents still expect home
sales in 1999 to set a new record.
Monthly residential building
permits in almost all District metropolitan areas declined in
September, although year-to-date they were above their
year-earlier levels. Home builders report a sharp decline in both
traffic and demand. The recent shortages of building materials
seem to be abating, though, enabling builders to catch up on some
of their backlog.
Banking and Finance
A recent survey of District senior loan officers indicates no
change in credit standards for commercial and industrial (C&I)
loans, commercial and residential real estate loans, consumer
loans and credit cards. Some loan rate spreads (over cost of
funds) have eased somewhat, though, because of increased
competition. Demand for C&I loans has weakened moderately
because of decreased investment in plant, equipment and
inventories. Demand for residential real estate loans has also
declined, while demand for consumer loans is on the rise.
Agriculture and Natural
With weather conditions favorable for harvesting throughout most
of October and November, the fall harvest in most areas is
virtually complete. In fact, a larger-than-expected corn crop in
Illinois and the Midwest has created storage problems in some
areas, which has forced some grain elevators to store corn on the
The planting of winter wheat is
winding down, ahead of its five-year average pace in all District
states. Where the crop has emerged in southern parts of the
District, it is rated in good-to-excellent condition. In northern
parts of the District, unusually warm and very dry weather
conditions, which continue to reduce soil moisture, have hindered
the winter wheat crop's germination and growth. A contact in the
cotton industry reports that this year's crop has declined in both
quality and yield. Despite a strong U.S. economy, domestic cotton
mill consumption has weakened since last year, while foreign
demand has increased.
to top
Ninth District -
The Ninth District economy is
entering the new millennium at full speed. Construction, real
estate, energy and manufacturing industries continue to expand.
Moreover, consumer spending remains strong. Also, agriculture
shows some signs of improvement, with mining holding steady.
Meanwhile the continued tight labor markets are generating wage
pressure for several businesses. Overall prices remain level but
the cost of some items is accelerating.
Construction and Real Estate
District construction remains robust, with warm fall weather
extending seasonal building activity. Contracts awarded in
Minnesota and the Dakotas increased by 3.3 percent for the
three-month period ending in October compared to year-earlier
levels. Construction employment grew 8.2 percent compared to a
year earlier in Montana.
Home building continues quite
strong. District housing units authorized grew by 4 percent for
the three-month period ending in October compared to a year
earlier. However, there may be signs of slowing in Minneapolis-St.
Paul. Home-sale agreements recently softened from their vigorous
pace of the past two years, according to a realtor association
president. While the median price of closed sales in
Minneapolis-St. Paul fell for a third consecutive month in
October, it was almost 10 percent above year-earlier levels.
Consumer Spending
Consumer spending remains steady, with optimistic reports for
holiday sales. Reports for post-Thanksgiving retail sales suggest
same-day store sales increased 6.5 percent over last year in
Minnesota. Almost all retailers in Billings, Mont., have more
merchandise on their shelves than last year in anticipation of
strong holiday sales. Government payments to farmers are boosting
rural Montana retail sales, according to a branch director. Retail
sales at a Fargo, N.D., mall were up about 5 percent in October
and store managers are optimistic about holiday sales. New car and
truck registrations were up 18 percent in South Dakota for
September and October compared to a year earlier, while auto sales
were level in North Dakota.
Warm weather has slowed the
start of winter tourism; however, inquiries and reservations are
up overall compared to last year, especially in the Upper
Peninsula of Michigan, and level in northern Wisconsin, according
to tourism officials. The warm fall weather has stalled early ski
traffic at a resort in northern Minnesota; however, reservations
for the rest of the season are good. Reservations at a Montana ski
resort are up 45 percent for the year.
Manufacturing in the Ninth District remains strong, with many
manufacturers reporting strong sales and expansion plans. A
Minnesota fabricated metal firm reports tremendous growth in
sales. A Minnesota electronic equipment company is having trouble
meeting demand and is planning to add office and production space.
A purchasing manager survey by Creighton University indicates
solid improvements in the Minnesota manufacturing sector; however,
the same survey reports much softer manufacturing conditions in
South Dakota. Some manufacturers reported reductions in sales,
including a Minnesota printing company and a computer components
Mining and Energy
The metal-based mining industries remain stable, as no new
district mine openings or closings were reported. August iron ore
inventory levels are down 4 percent from year-ago levels.
Meanwhile, oil exploration
activity remains strong. In November, 15 rigs were operating in
North Dakota, two rigs in South Dakota and six rigs in Montana
compared to eight, zero and six, respectively, a year ago. In
addition, November oil production in the district was up 4 percent
from year-ago production levels.
"Prospects for farm income are quite good," reports a
bank director. Farmers' financial condition is starting to improve
due to government payments and a good harvest. Based on
preliminary results of the Ninth District's fourth quarter
(November 1999) survey of agricultural credit conditions, 64
percent of respondents reported that farm income is below normal
levels as compared to 73 percent of fourth quarter 1998 survey
respondents. The survey also revealed that 32 percent of
respondents reported below normal level of loan repayments
compared to 53 percent of the fourth quarter 1998 survey
The harvest is essentially
complete, with most farmers enjoying a sizable harvest, although
low soil moisture has some farmers and ranchers worried. Dry and
warm weather has reduced soil moisture levels across most of the
district. The dry conditions have contributed to numerous pasture
fires, which have burned fields in portions of Montana and the
Dakotas. An exception to the dry conditions is in the Red River
Valley, where extremely wet weather late in the season has reduced
the Red River Valley potato crop by 40 percent.
Employment, Wages and Prices
Employers still have difficulty finding quality workers. The tight
labor force has some retailers concerned about staffing for the
holiday sales season. Worker availability is currently 15 to 20
percent below the perceived need at retail stores in Great Falls,
Mont., according to a branch director. In construction, general
contractors in Minneapolis/St. Paul continue to struggle to find
workers. "Labor is the biggest factor right now," says a
construction company president. Continuing labor shortages have
contributed to slower growth over the past several months in North
Dakota, according to a survey of purchasing managers.
Nevertheless, expansion plans
are still reported. In Minneapolis-St. Paul, 44 percent of
companies surveyed by a major staffing company plan to hire more
workers during the first three months of 2000, while 10 percent
plan reductions. A year ago 33 percent planned increases; 17
percent planned reductions. Two North Dakota Internet-commerce
companies are planning to hire 250 and 100 new people
respectively. A recently planned bank operations facility in Sioux
Falls, S.D., could create up to 300 to 500 jobs over the next five
years. In contrast, a Minnesota-based computer part manufacturer
will cut 160 positions.
Employers continue to increase
wages to attract and retain employees. In an informal telephone
survey of companies in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Wisconsin, 18 of
23 respondents mentioned upward wage pressure. District
manufacturing hourly wages increased 3.3 percent for the
three-month period ending in October compared to a year earlier,
which is a slightly lower rate than the 3.6 percent for the
three-month period ending in July.
Overall prices remain stable
with a few exceptions. In an informal telephone survey of
companies in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Wisconsin, less than 50
percent of the respondents mentioned upward pressure on input
prices; under 25 percent reported higher product prices. Price
increases are noted in fuel, construction supplies and health
care. Trucking companies in Montana report fuel costs up 10 to 12
to top
Tenth District - Kansas
The district economy held steady
in October and early November after showing some signs of weakness
in previous surveys. Manufacturers reported higher levels of
activity, the construction sector remained solid, and energy
activity continued a rebound that began in the spring. Retail
sales declined again but are expected to be strong through the
holidays. In the farm economy, the winter wheat crop was in good
condition despite dry weather. Labor markets in most of the
district remained very tight, but reports of wage pressures edged
down from the previous survey. Retail prices were flat, while
prices for some construction and manufacturing materials rose
Retail Sales
Retail activity in the district continued to decline, but
expectations for the holiday shopping season remained strong. Some
contacts suggested that warmer weather may have contributed to
weaker clothing sales. Exceptions to the slower activity included
gift items and home appliances. Most stores have finished building
up holiday inventories, and managers expect strong seasonal sales
to bring stock levels down by the end of the year. Motor vehicle
sales weakened in much of the district. While the weakness was due
partly to seasonal factors, sales also dropped below year-ago
levels and some weakness was reported in the previously hot
sport-utility vehicle market. Dealers expect slow sales to
continue throughout the winter months. Availability concerns
continued for some models of light trucks, with reports of some
dealers traveling to Canadian auctions in search of vehicles.
District factory activity improved in October and November, with
most plants reporting high levels of capacity utilization.
Expectations for future activity softened somewhat but remained
positive. Manufacturing materials other than aluminum and
electrical components remained generally available. Lead times
continued to edge up, but there were few concerns about future
material availability. Although efforts to trim stock levels will
continue at some firms, managers remained fairly satisfied with
Builders in most parts of the district reported continued growth
in housing starts, as warmer weather helped postpone the typical
seasonal downturn in activity. Most builders expect slower
activity over the next few months. Material availability improved
again, although builders in some areas continued to have problems
obtaining gypsum wallboard. Home sales were mixed across the
district, with inventories of unsold homes continuing to build up
in some rural areas. Mortgage demand for both home refinancings
and new home purchases fell due to higher mortgage rates.
Bankers report that deposits increased somewhat more than loans
over the past month, slightly reducing loan-deposit ratios. Demand
increased for commercial and industrial loans, commercial real
estate loans, and consumer loans. Demand fell for home mortgage
loans, construction loans, and agricultural loans. On the deposit
side, large time deposits, NOW accounts, and MMDAs all edged up.
Most respondent banks increased their prime rate last month, and
almost all remaining banks plan to raise their prime rate in the
near future. Half the banks raised their consumer lending rates,
and the other half expect to raise these rates in the near future.
Lending standards were generally unchanged.
District energy activity continued to rise along with energy
prices. The active rig count in mid-November rose to 22 percent
above a year ago and 80 percent above the March low. Contacts in
several energy-producing areas of the district reported that the
rebound in energy activity has had a positive effect on their
local economies.
The district's winter wheat crop is generally in good condition
despite unusually dry weather, but timely rainfall is needed by
next spring to replenish soil moisture and improve crop growing
conditions. The dry weather has also slowed growth of pastures,
but other forages are in ample supply for the winter. Crop prices
remain low, holding down feed costs and boosting profits for
district livestock producers. District feedlots are full and some
cattle ranchers are beginning to expand their breeding herds. With
improved profits in the cattle industry and big government
subsidies to crop producers, district bankers expect relatively
few farm loan repayment problems to surface during credit reviews
this winter. Bankers report generally steady farmland values due
to demand by both farmers and other investors.
Wages and Prices
Labor markets remained very tight in much of the district. Most
contacts reported difficulties finding workers, particularly for
entry-level positions. Building craftsmen, part-time retail and
manufacturing workers, truck drivers, and corrections officers
were especially scarce in some areas. Slightly fewer manufacturers
and builders reported increases in wage pressures than in the
previous survey, but wage pressures in the retail sector remained
widespread. Retail prices were flat and are expected to stay
largely unchanged during the holiday season. Prices for some
manufacturing materials, such as fabrics and chemicals, increased
and are expected to continue rising. Prices for construction
materials also rose slightly, especially in areas experiencing
supply problems. Further price increases are anticipated in these
to top
Eleventh District -
In late October and November,
Eleventh District economic activity expanded at a slightly faster
pace than reported in the last Beige Book. Manufacturing activity
accelerated slightly. Oil services and machinery firms continued
to see slight increases in demand. Demand for business services
was strong and steady. Lending activity and deposit growth
remained stable. Retail sales were lower than expected prior to
Thanksgiving--which contacts attributed to unseasonably warm
weather--but rose strongly over the Thanksgiving weekend.
Construction activity was slightly slower. Agricultural conditions
declined. There were a small number of reports of delayed
investment activity caused by uncertainty about the Y2K date
change, but contacts were also optimistic about the coming year.
Most contacts reported increased or unchanged prices. There
continued to be many reports of difficulty hiring workers, but not
as many reports of wage increases. An apparel manufacturer stated,
"Finding workers is tough, but keeping them is more
difficult." Wage increases of 6 to 8 percent were reported
for skilled workers at one firm, and starting salaries were up 10
percent for all skill levels at a metals manufacturer. High-tech
firms reported an increase in retention bonuses. One retail
contact said seasonal hiring was not as difficult as they had
feared, while another said that the rate of wage growth had
declined. Prices rose for air travel, some packaging materials,
bricks and petrochemicals. Although gasoline and heating oil
prices followed crude oil prices upward, refiners' margins fell.
Prices of business services, drilling rig rentals, primary metals
and processor chips were slightly up. Business service contacts
reported less resistance to fee increases. Prices held steady for
grains, soybeans, apparel, autos, retail goods, memory chips,
cargo shipping, paper products, lumber products, concrete and
glass products. Processed food prices fell with an oversupply of
beef, pork and poultry. Warm weather pushed natural gas prices
lower. Fabricated metals prices declined slightly, and cement
prices fell with additions to capacity.
Manufacturing activity grew faster at most firms. Electrical and
electronic firms reported accelerated sales growth which
"exceeded expectations," boosted by strong sales of
wireless products and personal computers. Most chip fabrication
plants were running at close to full capacity. Petrochemical sales
were boosted by strong demand in the U.S. and Asia. Sales of
cement, concrete, brick, paper products, fabricated metals and
most apparel products were up slightly in the past six weeks. A
fabricated metals producer worried that sales were inflated by
Y2K-related buildups in customer inventories, while a lumber
producer said that Y2K concerns may have caused customers to delay
purchases until the new year. Sales of lumber and food products
were steady. Warm weather dampened sales of fleece-lined apparel.
Primary metals producers reported weaker sales--possibly due to
large customer inventories. Glass product sales declined, and
refinery activity slowed.
Demand for business services was strong and steady. Transactional,
energy and high-tech sector work was strong and real estate work
was steady. One contact reported that fears about Y2K problems
have delayed some IPOs. Temporary services firms saw strong demand
for workers from manufacturing and energy firms, and continued to
see shortages of highly-skilled workers, such as those with
technical and computer skills. Demand for transportation services
remained steady and strong in the last six weeks. Airlines
reported that October demand exceeded expectations, and Latin
American travel has boosted demand. Rail cargo volumes grew at
about the same pace over the past two months.
Retail Sales
Retailers reported a strong holiday weekend following generally
flat November sales. Several contacts suggested that November
sales growth was weaker than expected because of unseasonably warm
weather, but "A good cold snap can correct all this in a big
hurry." One contact noted that the pattern of sales growth
was similar to last year, which ended the year with strong sales,
and was cautiously optimistic that sales growth will remain strong
through the holidays. Contacts reported particularly good sales
growth at stores along the Texas-Mexico border. Retailers reported
generally good inventory levels. Auto and truck sales slowed
seasonally, but were still at high levels.
Financial Services
Lending activity and deposit growth remained stable. Auto and new
home lending was strongest. Credit card lending picked up a bit
while home refinancing slowed. Contacts speculated that commercial
lending may have slowed somewhat because of Y2K-related holds on
purchases. However, there were also some reports of slightly
increased delinquencies in commercial lending.
Construction and Real Estate
There has been no pick up in speculative office construction, and
office rents remained flat. In Dallas, office vacancy rates
increased further as new supply outpaced demand, but commercial
real estate activity picked up over the past three months.
Contacts said that they expect lower apartment occupancy and
rental rates in coming months, as new supply exceeds demand in
some areas. Although new home sales "perked up a little"
in the early part of November, they remained softer than earlier
months, and were expected to decline about 10 percent next year.
Contacts reported that price increases in upper-end home building
were met with little resistance in some areas. Existing home sales
were above last year's levels in Houston, but softer in Dallas.
Oil services and machinery firms continued to see only slight
increases in demand. As in previous months, drilling activity
increased but most projects required relatively little oil
services and machinery to operate. U.S. drilling remained
primarily directed to natural gas, with 49 of the 56 rigs added in
the past six weeks drilling for natural gas. There was some
increase in the number of working rigs offshore in the Gulf of
Mexico, which tend to use more oil field services, but not enough
to have a sizable effect on rates for rig rentals. The number of
workover (maintenance) rigs in the U.S. increased at a faster rate
in October.
Agricultural conditions worsened because of unseasonably warm and
dry weather. In many areas, unfavorable forage conditions led
livestock producers to increase supplemental feeding and reduce
herds; some producers were reported to be close to herd
liquidation. Harvest was nearing completion and crop yields were
good, particularly for corn and sorghum, although prices remained
relatively low. There were concerns that continued dry weather
will damage the wheat crop.
to top
Twelfth District - San
Contacts reported solid
expansion of economic activity in the Twelfth District during
recent weeks. Further growth in consumer demand fueled rapid sales
of retail merchandise and services. Due in part to improved trade
conditions, District manufacturing activity expanded further, and
demand and prices increased slightly for District agricultural
producers. Real estate markets remained highly active, especially
in California, although commercial and residential markets have
cooled a bit in some regions. Financial institutions reported
strong demand for credit and vigorous competition among lenders.
Despite reports of labor and materials shortages in some sectors,
upward pressure on wages and prices was modest overall.
Business Sentiment
District respondents remain optimistic regarding the performance
of the national economy and their respective regional economies
during the next four quarters. Just over half the respondents
expect the growth rate of national GDP to exceed its long-run
average, and a similar percentage expect the national unemployment
rate to remain at or near its current level. The percentage of
respondents expecting an increase in inflation also was just over
half. Most respondents anticipate that growth in their region will
outpace growth in the national economy during the next four
quarters, with a two-thirds majority expecting further improvement
in their region's outlook for international trade.
Retail Trade and Services
District contacts reported generally rapid sales of retail
merchandise and services during the recent survey period. Sales of
food, beverages, and pharmaceuticals exhibited solid gains in most
areas. In California, department store sales of winter merchandise
picked up in recent weeks, as unseasonably warm weather gave way
to cooler conditions. Automobile sales reportedly slowed further
in Utah during November; popular models of light trucks and
sport-utility vehicles remained in short supply, but availability
of previously scarce imports improved somewhat. Among services,
the strongest reports were for telecommunications and
Internet-related services, for which demand growth remained brisk.
Many retail and service contacts
reported difficulty finding entry-level and skilled workers.
Upward wage pressure was moderate on net, however, as employers
relied on other incentives, such as increased merchandise
discounts for seasonal employees. Reported price increases also
were limited; costs have been held down by productivity
enhancements at some firms, and prices more generally were
restrained by vigorous competition.
District manufacturing activity expanded in the recent survey
period due to solid domestic demand and further improvement of
trade conditions. Respondents noted stepped up demand for steel
and equipment intended for use in industrial, construction, and
agricultural settings. Continued growth of Asian and European
demand led to strong sales growth and firming prices for makers of
wood and paper products, and District producers of textiles and
apparel reportedly benefited from strong domestic demand and
slightly higher prices on competing Asian imports. Demand for
telecommunications and computer equipment remained strong;
respondents noted some supply constraints-including a shortage of
flat panel displays that has hobbled production of laptop
computers-but effects on final product prices reportedly have been
limited. The key source of weakness in the District manufacturing
sector was aircraft manufacturing, in which orders and activity
continued to fall.
Agriculture and
Resource-Related Industries
Conditions for District agricultural producers improved slightly
during the most recent survey period. Beef producers increased the
amount supplied in response to continued strong demand, and
profitability has been good for producers of dairy products and
nuts. Export demand and prices reportedly have risen for some
agricultural commodities, although sales revenues for cotton and
many grains and vegetables remained weak. District agricultural
contacts reported some delays in obtaining packaging materials and
transportation services but no significant supply disruptions.
Real Estate and Construction
Activity in the District construction sector and real estate
markets remained at high levels, although signs of slight cooling
were evident in some regions. Residential construction and sales
remained rapid in the most heavily populated areas of California
and Arizona. In contrast, slower residential construction activity
and price appreciation were evident in Oregon and Utah, and the
previously torrid pace of growth in Seattle reportedly has slowed
somewhat. Activity in nonresidential markets was robust in most
areas, although slower construction activity, rising vacancy
rates, or both were reported for Oregon, Utah, and Arizona.
Construction labor and some building materials, such as structural
steel, remained in short supply, but in general contacts did not
report significant increases in construction costs.
Financial Institutions
District financial institutions reported generally solid loan
demand and good credit conditions. Strong demand in most loan
categories was met by readily available credit, and margins were
kept relatively narrow by vigorous competition for borrowers.
However, contacts in several areas noted that demand for real
estate loans fell a bit and the pace of mortgage refinancing
slowed in recent weeks.
to top